Have you ever felt really insignificant? You know, like you didn’t matter. Maybe you have a job where you feel like you don’t make a difference. Maybe you struggle with your chosen profession or even your self-esteem. I think we all struggle with self-esteem. Either we think too lowly of ourselves or we think too highly of ourselves. Regardless of which way we think, neither choice is great.
The shepherds were in this boat. They weren’t allowed to worship in the temple and were considered lower class citizens. They were usually poor and uneducated. They tended sheep. They weren’t blacksmiths, CPAs, Public School Principals, or managers at Chick-fil-a. They were shepherds. However, they did have some significance. I imagine these shepherds potentially were watching over sheep that were going to be used for temple sacrifices. Generally, nothing much good happened to the shepherds….ever. Sometimes they had to fight off lions, tigers, and bears (oh my!), but for the most part, they did what they always did. So what was going to change? Leading, feeding, and protecting sheep in the day, and watching sheep at night. Day after day after day. Anyone feel like that’s what you do at your job? The same old thing day after day. You’re on a never-ending roller coaster. I think that’s how the shepherds felt at times.
This night, however, was different than others. This night would be a night of spectacular promise and hope. A choir of angels shining brightly in the sky would interrupt the quiet solitude of this night. The life-changing news would redirect the shepherd’s plans and steer them toward Bethlehem. Just like Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, and Joseph, their initial fear would be overcome with awe, reverence, and curiosity. They began their day as they always did and closed their day hearing the announcement of the birth of a Savior.
Just what happened that night? Here is the message from the angel:
And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. 10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:9-11).
The angel gave the shepherds the greatest news anyone could ever receive. They were told that this news was for all people. No ethnic groups were left out. No certain classes of people were left out. No people who commit specific sins were left out. No murderers were left out. No adulterers were left out. No prostitutes were left out. No thieves were left out. No one was left out. The angel told the shepherds that this news was for all people. What was the news? That Jesus Christ was, is, and will always be the Lord. Jesus was going to be a Savior for all people. There is one catch. It wasn’t automatic.
It is true that Jesus came to earth to be our Savior. But, it is also true that we must repent of our sins and receive that salvation. Simultaneously at conversion we receive the Holy Spirit as a guide, counselor, comforter, teacher, etc. This indwelling of the Holy Spirit produces life-change. This life-change is evidence of our salvation and the eventual spiritual fruit we demonstrate is evidence of our maturity in Christ.
So, what do we do with what we know? We trust Christ as our Savior and Lord. There is nothing more meaningful and life transforming than surrendering our lives to Jesus. What an amazing gift to receive for Christmas.
Pray tonight for people you know that do not know Jesus as their Savior. Pray that they will begin to understand who He is and exactly what He has done for them through his death on the cross. Pray that God would give you the opportunity to share how Jesus changed your life.