Memorial Day is a special day celebrated in the United States when we remember those who died that we might live freely. I had the privilege to speak with a gentleman years ago who drove one of the transportation boats from the ship to the shores of Normandy. He told me that it was perhaps the worst thing he ever experienced. Early in the morning on June 6th in 1944 shots barely missed him as he steered the boat to the shore. Men died as the ramp opened and they walked towards the beach. The German shots connected with their targets. It was a day to remember and a day that many believed changed the course of World War II. On Memorial Day we remember the 2499 American casualties. Each had a name. Each had a family. Each had a story. Each gave a life.
Throughout history, men and women have given their lives for the cause of freedom. I know there are so many other places, but here are a few. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, and ISIS are all places or people the United States has sought to fight to provide freedom for people throughout the world. Lives were lost. On Memorial Day we remember those American casualties. Each had a name. Each had a family. Each had a story. Each gave a life.
Don’t Stop Reading
But today, I also want to remind you of one who gave His life in a fight for our freedom. He didn’t necessarily win our freedom from the tyranny of an over-reaching government or ruthless dictator. He actually gave His life for our freedom from sin. DON’T STOP READING! I know you figured it would get churchy! What’s coming is important.
Discovering the Problem
On Memorial Day, I don’t think it is a stretch to remember Christ. He is the reason that we can experience ultimate freedom. Here’s why. Without Christ, we really have no freedom. We are a slave to sin. In fact, scripture tells us, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (ESV). This means all of us are trapped by sin. That sounds like bad news and it is.
Uncovering the Result
However, God, through Christ, provides something for us. “For the wages of sin is death (bad news), but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (great news) (Romans 6:23).” Sin eventually leads to death, but Christ provides a free gift to us that destroys the eternal effect of sin in our lives. How did he do it?
Revealing the Plan
“God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).” Did you read that? Christ died for us. Included in that “US” is “You and Me!” Christ did not just die for His 12 disciples. Christ did not just die for His closest friends. Christ died for you and me! When Christ died for us, He actually was paying the penalty (death) for us. He took our place. His love for us was so deep that He willingly gave up His life for our freedom. There’s more.
What Christ did for us was a free gift, but you have to receive it. Scripture says, “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9).” Is it that simple? It actually is. First, you have to believe in your heart that Christ died for you and that He is Lord. Then, as a result of your belief, confess it with your mouth! You can do that by praying. God will hear you. If you truly believe Christ died for your sins and that God raised him from the dead then you WILL BE SAVED. How do we know? Let’s read further. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13). There it is! Everyone includes YOU!
Remember……Never Stop Remembering
If you’ve recognized your need for Christ and have never prayed and freely accepted the gift of His salvation for you, I encourage you to do that today. Right now. Don’t wait. Simply pray to God and He will hear your prayer.
If you have already received the free gift of salvation take some time today and remember the One who willingly laid down His life for you. Christ wasn’t drafted or forced into service. He willingly died for you. He willingly died for me.
As Americans we have so much to be thankful for because of those men and women who died for freedom. I want to extend my appreciation to all those families who experienced loss in the pursuit for freedom. God loves you. He knows your pain as you remember.
A Memorial Day Prayer
Father, I want to thank you for all of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. Thank you for those who gave their lives that we might live in freedom. I want to thank you for the good gifts you continue to provide for us as we live in an amazing country. I also want to thank you for Christ. Without Him, we would have no real freedom. Thank you for the freedom You gave us through Christ’s death on a cross. On a day like today, help us all to appreciate You and the grace you continue to provide for us.