Patience is certainly a virtue and fruit of the Spirit given to each believer at the time of their salvation. This patience is definitely not a perfect patience, but is like a seed that continues to grow. As patience develops in us, we begin to see how God can use it to share His Son’s story to the world. Even when we go as far as tolerating those things that dishonor God. Extreme tolerance puts up with those things that extremely annoy us. We tolerate it.
Tolerating those behaviors can often only be described as a “God thing.” Let’s put it this way. Suppose there is someone who has a completely different personality than we do. They annoy us and often sin in their discussions and interactions with others. They are rude, disrespectful, and selfish. It is all we can do not to lift our arm, open our hand into a flat position, and slap their face (In a godly way…of course). However, we choose not to do that. Why? Because God gave us the ability to keep our hands to ourselves and exhibit tolerance. Nevertheless, that godly tolerance can certainly lead us to acceptance, which is not a good thing.
Accepting is embracing. This happens when we wear down and become vulnerable. This happens when we get tired of standing of God’s Word. Accepting is the slippery slope that leads to tolerating someone’s unbiblical belief as truth.
Accepting another’s belief as truth screams, “No harm, no foul”
When we accept another’s belief as truth it is often the result of becoming worn down and losing any motivation to stand firm. In a way, it says you believe what you want to believe and I believe what I want to believe. As long as the two do not interfere with one another we’re going to be fine. We can exist in the same world and I will not interfere with your beliefs as long as you do not interfere with mine. The problem is that a true Christ-follower can never hoard their salvation. Salvation was given to the Christ-follower to share with others. When something so significant as salvation occurs in our lives, we cannot help but share that with others.
Accepting another’s belief as truth removes the necessity of sharing Christ’s story
Can you imagine living in a world where Evangelism is no longer necessary? No more badgering from your pastor about sharing your faith to others. No more badgering from your pastor about living a life that draws attention to Christ and points others to Him. If all other belief systems are true, and you accept that, then evangelism is no longer an issue. That makes things easier, right? Why share Christ’s story if it is only another in a long list of truths that others live by in their life journey? BECAUSE IT IS NOT JUST ANOTHER IN A LONG LIST OF TRUTHS. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). With this knowledge, accepting another’s belief as truth creeps very close to the life of discounting God’s Word.
Accepting another’s belief as truth demonstrates our lack of confidence in God and His Word
What happened to God’s Word being truthful. Paul Little (1999) describes those who were moved by God’s word. They said the Word of God is:
- Honey in my mouth (Ezekiel 3:3)
- Spiritual food for the hungry (Job 23:12)
- Dwelling in me richly (Colossians 3;16)
- A lamp for my feet (Psalms 119:105)
- A joy and delight to my heart (Jeremiah 15:16)
- Renewing my mind (Romans 12:12
- A fire that burns in my heart (Jeremiah 20:9)
- More precious than gold (Psalm 119:10)
- Sharper than a two-edged sword (Hebrews 4;12)
- A great reward (Psalm 19:11)
- True and righteous (Psalm 119:160)
- Penetrating my thoughts and attitudes (Hebrews 4:12)
- Perfect and trustworthy (Psalm 19:7) (p.10)
Do you have a hunger and love for God’s Word that places it above all other sources of information? If God’s Word is truthful and reliable, then it should be placed above all other sources of literature. Whether we believe it is truthful or not, it is. Whether we believe it is reliable or not, it is.
Our belief and confidence in God’s Word is critical when we interact with people every day. Without a strong belief in God’s Word we run the risk of accepting all other thoughts as truth. This is the slippery slope I’ve been talking about. Do you see how we can get into trouble yet? It is very easy to get into that trap. However, we can show respect toward, and value others and their beliefs without accepting those beliefs as truth. This is where a strong love for God and a strong love for others is necessary. It really does come down to our confidence in God and His Word.
Basically, it means that we value others enough to try and understand their position and why they feel a certain way. If we don’t attempt, as believers, to understand others, does it really show them that we care and love them? I don’t think so. I think it shows that we are simply interested in telling them what we know. Acceptance of another’s sin and belief system is a dangerous activity in the life of a believer. However, attempting to understand why they believe a certain way is extremely helpful as we attempt to share Christ’s story with them.
Think about this….when you share Christ’s story with them it will most likely be the first time they’ve ever heard that story. What an awesome potential privilege God is setting up for you. Will you take the step? Will you share Christ’s story?
Little, P.E., & Little, M. (1999). Know what you believe. Colorado Springs,
Co: Chariot Victor Pub.