Crisis happens and people are always balancing times of crisis and times of normalcy. Where do people go when they’re in crisis? Oftentimes to the corner of a room, lie down in a fetal position, and beg God to let them die. Seriously. “God…let me go to sleep and never wake up!” Times of crisis drive people to do drastic things. That’s one reason the Church is so important. The Church is the one place that offers real hope and real help in the middle of significant crisis points. The Church provides real answers to some of life’s most difficult situations. While there are many different places someone can visit for help, the Church seems to still be a popular place because it should be filled with people full of grace who stand ready to provide hope, help, and healing. Why would anyone want to come to church? Because they won’t see a group of perfect people. They’ll see people who want to provide grace and mercy.

[Tweet “The Church is the one place that offers real hope and real help in the middle of significant crisis points.”]

Skeptical Glances and Grace

There is just one problem. The Church has, in many places, become a house of skeptical glances rather than a place of grace and mercy. Unknown people visit a church and sit in cushioned chairs, enjoy the air conditioner, listen to uplifting singing, and experience a Spirit-filled message while the constant reminder of their crisis continues to consume and haunt. It never seems to go away. Everywhere you turn and everywhere you glance……nothing but the constant reminder of your crisis. If it makes you feel better, in every church and in every seat is a person in some kind of crisis. Why would anyone want to come to church? Because they won’t see those skeptical glances. They’ll see people who want to provide grace and mercy. They’ll find people who want to provide hope, help, and healing.

Personal Issues and Grace

“How can I help someone going through a crisis when I have my own issues?” This is the cry of the church. Oftentimes people in a church will neglect to extend grace because they’re preoccupied with their own crisis. Sometimes “church people” offer excuses like, “I’m not good with people,” or “I can’t help anyone because I’m messed up too.” Neither of those excuses is acceptable. Why would anyone want to come to church? Because they won’t see people preoccupied with their own issues. They’ll see people who want to provide grace and mercy. They’ll find people who want to provide hope, help, and healing.

People’s Needs and Grace

And we wonder why the Church seems to have lost its relevance in the community? Is it possible that the Church today thinks too highly of itself and has marginalized the needs of others? While we know it is the primary purpose of the Church to bring honor, attention, and glory to Jesus, we cannot do that if we fail to live a life that consistently attempts to provide for the needs of others. It is when the Church looks at others and sees their needs as Jesus does, that the Church begins to understand its mission even more. We bring significant glory and attention to Jesus when we do all we can to help others find hope that truly heals. Why would anyone want to come to church? Because they won’t see people keeping from those in need. They’ll see people who want to provide grace and mercy. They’ll find people who want to provide hope, help, and healing.

Our Community and Grace

Grace and mercy are not only extended to those who enter the doors of the Church, but also to those we meet as we collectively go out into the community. Have we looked for excuses to overlook the needs of others? I hope the answer is no. Real grace and real mercy happen when it is freely given to those who need it whether deserved or not. This is grace. This is mercy. This is hope. This is help. This is healing.

[Tweet “Real grace and real mercy happen when it is freely given to those who need it whether deserved or not.”]

People live busy lives crowded with hurt and crisis. Will you be the one to tell others about the hope that Jesus gives to all who reach out to Him and trust Him? Will you be a church that provides grace, mercy, hope, help, and healing?

Why would you want to come to church? Because it is a real place with real people with real hurt who really care about your crisis.