Living a life of integrity is hard work and you never finish. I think deep down we desire to live with integrity, but life just seems to get in the way. When presented with tough issues we react rather than reflect and respond. Reacting about an issue without reflecting on the solution is a roadmap to disaster and decreased integrity. What is integrity? Integrity is to know and consistently do what is right according to Scripture. What do people want most in a leader? Integrity. What do leaders struggle with most? Integrity.

The difficult thing about integrity is that it is almost impossible to live a perfect and unblemished life. The problem is sin. If sin defines your choices in life, I assure you that you will struggle with integrity. Selfish and sinful decisions will impact our integrity and effectiveness because they usually do not consider others. We all sin and struggle to do right things. We read our Bibles, pray, know the right things to do, rehearse right decision-making over and over again in our minds, and when the time comes to make the decision, we decide wrongly. If this is you, and it probably is, have a word for you…’s going to be fine. Everyone struggles with integrity. Satan loves it when we make wrong moral and spiritual decisions because it not only affects our integrity, but it also hurts our Christian witness. Here are a few thoughts about integrity.

  • Integrity is living your life grounded in Biblical principles that provide a clear distinction between right and wrong.
  • Integrity creates trust, which creates sustained loyalty.
  • Integrity gives you high influence with those around you.
  • Integrity is an attribute created by consistently making right choices.
  • Integrity is the number one attribute employees desire from their employer.
  • Integrity is more easily lost than gained
  • Integrity is gained when someone you lead has personally grown from your caring, Biblically grounded, and consistent leadership.
  • Integrity is forged in consistent Biblical choices.
  • Integrity is increased when we take ownership of our own mistakes. Mistakes do not kill integrity, but offer a chance for leaders to own the issue and to become more transparent in the midst of failure to those whom you lead.
  • Guarded relationships between employees and employers are the result of a lack of trust, which is the result of a lack of integrity from employers.
  • We get our example of integrity from God, who never changes (Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17).

“According to Scripture, virtually everything that truly qualifies a person for leadership is directly related to character. It’s not about style, status, personal charisma, clout, or worldly measurements of success. Integrity is the main issue that makes the difference between a good leader and a bad one.”  ~ John MacArthur 

What a great quote. Integrity is the main issue. Pray that God would continue to fashion you into His image of consistent holiness as you submit yourself to Him.

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