His steadfast love endures forever (Psalm 136:1-3)

The Psalmist cries out for a call to thanksgiving for God’s people. He says to give thanks, show gratitude, or show appreciation to God because His love is steadfast. This thankfulness is an act of worship. Do you ever think of your thankfulness as an act of worship? When you give thanks to God for something during your day do you consider it as worship?

His steadfast love is faithful

This means the Lord keeps His promises (Psalms 145:13). This is one distinction between us from God. We make promises to the Lord and fail to keep them. He makes promises to us and He keeps them. This is why the Lord is good; He is possesses and shares a faithful.

When I was younger I used to think that every time I sinned that the Lord hated me and wanted to punish me like an evil father with a grudge against a wayward child. I looked at the Lord as someone who kept a ledger and put my good deeds against my bad ones and it was my responsibility to make sure I had more good ones than bad ones. Needless to say, this was terrible theology.

The Lord doesn’t look at His children like that. If you have placed your faith and trust in Jesus, He loves you with faithful love and uses His Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in decisions you make each day. When you fail, and you will fail, confess your failures to the Lord. Agree with Him that they were wrong. This kind of humble confession helps you maintain a healthy spiritual walk. Put your pride aside and simply trust in His steadfast love for you.

His steadfast love is eternal

The Lord’s love endures forever. Forever is a long time. It is so long that I cannot even comprehend forever. But because I trust Scripture I am encouraged that the Lord’s love endures forever. In a finite world with things that rust and fall apart, it is great to know the Lord’s love never ends. While it is faithful, it is also eternally faithful. There will never be a time when His love will be less than or more than it is right now. The Lord loves you as much as He will ever love you.

As my wife and I travel our journey together in our marriage I find myself falling more and more in love with her as the years go by. I learn more about her and love more about her. It is the same with the Lord.

I love the Lord more and more each year as I grow in Christ. But the Lord cannot love me any more than He currently loves me. And that love is eternal. That amazing and great love will last forever. It never ends.

You should be encouraged today that the Lord loves you as much as He can. It is a perfect and self-sacrificing love that is also completely faithful and endures forever. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Some Questions…

  1. What do you currently do to cultivate a growing relationship with the Lord?
  2. How does the Lord’s steadfast love encourage you?
  3. How can you give thanks daily to the Lord because of His steadfast and forever enduring love?