Love is not rude ~ 1 Corinthians 13:5a

I have a rude habit when I drive, and I’m probably the only one who does anything like this. From time to time, I tend to get a little too close to the car in front of me. I do this without even thinking about it. I’m not upset that they’re driving ten mph below the posted speed limit, but I am encouraging them to speed up a little so that I can reach my destination in time. I mean, it is all about me, right?

Generally, this is because I failed to leave my house on time. So sometimes people who ride with me tend to press their feet against the floorboard to try and stop my truck. I do this without even thinking. It has become a habit, and habits are difficult to break. So the perception from those in front of me in their cars is that I’m rude. Sometimes those who ride with me say or secretly think the same thing.

So if you’re driving down the road and see my truck behind you, it’s not that I dislike you, it’s that I have developed a rude habit. I guess today’s post is about me coming clean. LOL!

This type of driving causes frustration for those who have to put up with me on their rear bumper. I guess you could call me “Mayhem” from Allstate. But I’m working on this rude habit. I really am. I drove like this once and realized the person in front of me was a member of my church. Do you know what I did? I backed off with great embarrassment and hoped they didn’t recognize me.

Love is not rude

The kind of love Paul writes about in 1 Corinthians 13:5 is not rude. The truth is that we should love our neighbors, and I’m not sure pushing their rear bumper encourages this kind of love.

Rude is a term interpreted as acting shamefully or dishonorably. Someone who is rude is a person who does not care about the concerns of others. They are more concerned about themselves and their desires. This negative behavior is at the heart of painful relationships. In many ways, being rude is a very quick way to disrespect someone, and no one wants to be disrespected.

I’m sure you can think of all kinds of rude behavior you’ve committed, and this dishonorable behavior is never profitable. Do you see the way I focused the attention away from my driving and to your behavior? Smart, huh?

Love is caring

Caring love is a love that puts the needs and concerns of others before their own needs. Can you say that you have this kind of love for others? Do some people drive you to be rude? I would say not to allow that to happen. Do not give others that kind of power over your behavior. Only you can choose the way you will respond to others. Respond with love.

Some Questions…

  1. What would cause you to respond rudely to someone?
  2. How can you manage how you respond to others?
  3. Read Philippians 2:4 and write down how you can implement this verse in your relationships.