And leaving everything, he rose and followed Him.
Luke 5:28

In 2008 my wife and I decided to move to Florence. This move was a decision that would change the trajectory of my family, career, and life. As a result of that move I gained experience in a larger church setting, my wife became more involved in women’s ministry, and our children had the opportunity to grow in a children and student ministry.

This move was good for us because it moved us out of our comfort zone, where our parent’s lived and helped us to spread our ministry wings a little. In a very real way, we left everything and followed Him. It wasn’t easy, and we had to make many adjustments. However, God was good to provide the support we needed. I can remember pulling away from the house we built in West Columbia and seeing my mom cry as we left. Some things never leave you.

But I’m entirely sure that our transition to Florence was a great move for our family, and we’ve met so many good people and seen God do so much.

Jesus calls the unlikely

Matthew was a tax collector and not well respected or liked. It was his job to collect taxes from people, and anything extra Matthew collected, he pocketed as his own. Tax collectors were known as selfish, greedy, and the dregs of society. Why would Jesus call Matthew to follow Him as a disciple who would eventually be one of Jesus’ closest friends? Does this even make sense? Why wouldn’t Jesus call someone who was a little more spiritual? That would make sense to me.

I believe this story is exactly what we need to hear this morning. Jesus doesn’t always make sense to us. However, His plan is always perfect. So Matthew was His choice. If it were me, I would have probably walked by Matthew and said, “I’ll pray for him that he would give his life to Me someday.” But Jesus went straight to him and said: “Follow Me.”

I believe Jesus wanted to show the crowd that real life change can happen to even the enemy of the people. Real-life change can happen to those who we would never expect. And it was a real change. There was nothing fake about Matthew and his decision.

The unlikely follows unconditionally

Matthew followed. We see in Luke 5:28 that Matthew left everything, got up, and followed him. Think about that scene. There was most likely a line of people who were waiting to see Matthew and pay their taxes. They had been waiting for some time, and this one guy gets to the front of the line, and Jesus walks up to Matthew and says, “Follow me.” Matthew looks at Jesus, gets up, leaves everything, leaves the people in the line, leaves the money, and follows Jesus. None of it makes sense to the average person. But, to Matthew, it made complete sense.

Matthew was a changed person. He had heard some things about Jesus and knew who He was. He left everything. Can you imagine the scene?

The unlikely wanted others to know

Is that you? Do you want others to know about your Savior? Do you want others to know that you follow Jesus? That is precisely what Matthew did. He had dinner with Jesus and invited his closest friends. There is no doubt that word got around that Matthew left everything and followed Jesus. I’m sure there were all kinds of questions from the other tax collectors. But Matthew wanted them to meet Jesus. Matthew wanted his friends to meet the one who changed his future forever.

Do you invite your friends over and talk about the hope you have in Jesus?

The unlikely is who Jesus came to save

The Pharisees and their scribes immediately questioned Jesus. They wanted to know why Jesus was hanging around with the low-class citizens in Matthew’s house. Jesus answered with the most incredible response.

“Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32). Do you hear that? Jesus came to provide hope for the hopeless. He came to provide help for the helpless. The soul-sick, unlikely, and worst of society gathered together to show us and all who would read this passage that Jesus came for us!

He called Matthew to repentance. He no doubt talked with the tax collectors and others at the great feast and called them to repentance. There was a revival happening in the home of Matthew. I wonder how many of those who were there repented and began to follow Jesus and His teachings? I wonder how many people went home from this great feast and told their families about this amazing man named Jesus?

What an encouraging story for us.

We are the unlikely who Jesus came to save. We are no different than Matthew. Would you leave everything and follow Jesus today?

A prayer

Jesus, I want to thank you for showing us this story about Matthew. I know I’m no different from Him, and I need you in my life. Will you please encourage me today? Will you give me the courage to leave everything and follow you where you’ve planted me? Will you please help me to understand and express gratefulness to you for your love for me? You are all I need, and I love you with all my heart. Help me to invite others into my life so I can share the hope you’ve given me.