I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

2 Timothy 4:7

I had a good conversation with my mother yesterday, and she reminded me of something I had forgotten. Several years ago, I preached my grandfather’s funeral. It was quite an event. People tightly filled each of the pews and lined against the walls around the church. People filled all the chairs in the choir loft. I was a little younger then and pretty nervous. As I looked over the group of people who came to show respect for my grandfather, I remember thinking to myself that the way he lived was captured in those who came to say goodbye. His influence in their lives was evident in those who attended. It’s a good thing he didn’t make an impression with the fire marshall, or we could have been in trouble!

But, my mother reminded me yesterday of his favorite verse, and the verse I preached at his funeral. I wanted to share it with you this morning. It is encouraging to me and should help you as well. I hope it does.

I have fought the good fight throughout the race

There are many things pulling at us right now as a country. We experience an onslaught of political pain, racial restitution, COVID-19 concerns, and mask-wearing misery. But in this passage, Paul is speaking of one fight. He is speaking of the best fight. When Jesus changed Paul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9), Jesus changed his heart and desires. No longer was he an enemy of Jesus, but a friend and fighter. Paul fought hard so that people would see his changed life and spoke so that people would know the change that he experienced as a result of his encounter with Jesus. 

The only way you can fight the good fight is through a changed life in Jesus. Your relationship with Him does matter.

I have finished the race throughout my life

God designs a race for each of us, and they are different. My race is different than your race, and one day we will all finish the race. I always say, “If we live long enough, we will eventually experience death.” It’s true. You can’t get around it. Science has yet to figure out a way to keep us living on this earth forever. At some point, the race is complete. None of us like to think about it, but we’ll all experience it.

Paul uses a beautiful phrase to describe his life. From his perspective, his life was a race to the finish line. He fought, and he finished. Once Paul came to know Jesus, it was not a bed of roses or a life of luxury. God changed his purpose and set before him a new race. He raced from town to town, telling others about Jesus so that they could experience the life-changing power of the gospel. 

Paul planted churches, loved people, invested time, and cared deeply. He finished the race. Where are you on the race God planned for you?


I have kept the faith throughout the race

The one thing I felt confident in saying at my grandfather’s funeral was that he kept the faith. Much like Paul, he lived what he believed and touched so many people by his kindness and love for others. We all stumble and make bad decisions, and if we keep our eyes on the world right now, we could go crazy. But I want to encourage you to keep your faith in God. He is ultimately in charge of all things and is giving His Church an opportunity to live differently in a world that desperately needs to see and hear about Jesus. 

Faith is not a social program or a feeding ministry. Faith is what we have in God that gets us through each day that feels hopeless. Our faith in God gives us hope that we can make it another day by fighting and finishing the race He has for us.

One last thing. Who will be at your funeral? How many lives have you influenced? I bet it’s more than you think. Who have you told about the hope that you have in Jesus?

Finish your race well, and keep your faith in God.