The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

Psalm 14:1

When you look around today at the violence, riots, unrest, licentiousness, and complete disregard for human life in many cases, you sometimes wonder if there is a God. I often find myself praying, “God, I know You’re there. Please intervene.” I pray, and I wait for things to change, but change is slow and sometimes unrecognizable.

Regardless of what we see in our world, we need to understand and grasp that God does exist and is active in His world. I was reminded yesterday that Joseph’s life was filled with what we could say were huge disappointments for many years only to find that God was in the middle of it the whole time. Joseph became the Prime Minister of Egypt. I imagine Joseph would experience those disappointments again, knowing that he would rise to such authority and influence. You can find Joseph’s story in Genesis 37-50.

Why is your heart important?

In Scripture, your heart is the center of your belief system. It is the place where you store your deepest feelings, encouragement, and disappointments. The condition of a person’s heart is often referenced in Scripture because it is that important. Your heart is the place where the absolute truth of what you believe resides.

When we look at our spouses, we say, “I love you with all my heart.” This kind of statement adds strength to the meaning because it includes your heart. Your heart is the deepest layer of authenticity. It’s like saying, “I see with my eyes, but I know with my heart.”

A fool says in his heart, “There is no God”

Why would the psalmist use the word fool? It is essential to understand the meaning of that word because it gives great context to the passage. The word fool means someone who is senseless and lacks judgment. While this is an indictment of someone, it is also an opportunity for Christ-followers to share the hope we have within us. 

When we look around, it is not hard to imagine how someone could believe there is no God. On the other hand, when we look around, it is hard to imagine how someone could believe there is no God. It is all about a person’s perspective. This is where the Church must engage our society with the kindness and compassion of Christ. Condemnation of others is the wrong way to help them understand the reality of God. God loved us so much that He sent His only Son and sacrificed Him on the cross. That is intense love.

I want to encourage you to share that intense love with others. If God’s sacrificial love towards you moved your heart to follow Him, then please share that with others so that they might know and understand in their hearts the reality of God. He does exist, and He is active in our world. But others will never see it unless we live like we truly believe that God has changed our hearts.

When someone looks at your life, what would they say you believe about God?