There were many things that Jesus said throughout His ministry. He said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6) He said, “whosoever believes in Me will not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). He said, “Neither do I condemn you, now go and sin no more” (John 8:11). He said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Jesus spoke with remarkable authority and told us so much about Himself and His Father. But, I believe there are a few verses found in John 15 that should cause us to really contemplate our relationship with Him.

He begins by saying, “I am the true vine” (John 15:1a). You know, there are many different thoughts about Jesus. Some would say that Christianity is too exclusive and doesn’t allow other ways to heaven. I would simply answer, “Yes.” Christianity is exclusive in process of salvation. Jesus is the only Way. He said, “I am the true Vine.” There are many other vines, but only one true vine. To the casual reader, this would seem quite curious and a little confusing.

Years ago, Lari and I had a garden in our backyard. I purchased a tiller from my grandfather, marked off the garden spot, and spent what seemed like 12 hours tilling up one row and down another. Needless to say, that tiller wore me out. I was much younger then, and can’t even imagine the physical damage one of those dreadful machines could cause me today. Sweat was pouring and I was “in the zone!” Picking up rocks and making the soil just perfect for the row of corn, carrots, green beans, peppers, and squash. I had the whole thing visualized in my mind. I could see my prize-winning vegetables in the State Fair. (By the way, the whole fair thing never really worked out for me) Anyway, my tilling was complete and the seeds planted. Now to water and wait. So, I watered and waited and watered and waited. Within a few days, I had sprouts. I was ecstatic. Several more days passed and I began to see more and more sprouts. I was on my way to becoming a REAL farmer. However, I my emotions quickly changed from ecstatic to disappointed.

As I looked closer at the sprouts, I saw that they weren’t corn, carrots, green beans, peppers, or squash. They were weeds. I was fooled! It was one of those moments that you never really tell anyone about because if you did, they would just laugh at you and make you feel even more less a REAL farmer than you already did. So, I began to pull the weeds, which I helped to grow, from the garden and into the weed pile. You see, although the weeds looked like the real thing, they were a cheap imitation that would never yield what I truly wanted. I truly wanted vegetables, but got weeds. Sometimes, if we aren’t careful, we will mistake the real thing for weeds.

You know, that sad but true story, is one lived over and over again throughout human history. From the time God created the heavens, the earth, and people, we have substituted other things for God. We create idols based on our own preferences and desires rather than being content serving the Creator of the Universe. It doesn’t make much sense to me, but even today, we look for other substitutes for Jesus. Maybe working with a non-profit organization and helping the community will get me to heaven. Maybe working with underprivileged boys or girls will get me to heaven. Maybe helping little old ladies across the street or cutting their grass will get me to heaven. Nope. None of those things are inherently bad. However, they can’t get you to heaven. See, Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. By the way, that which was lost is us. He came to die for our sins that we might have eternal life in heaven with Him. But there is honestly no other way to heaven except through Jesus and what He did on the cross. So, is Jesus exclusive? Yes. But He is also inclusive to the point of whosoever believes in Him. If you trust Christ as your Savior, He will save you.

What does all this have to do with a vine? Simply this. Jesus wanted us to understand that salvation and spiritual growth come from Him and Him alone. Apart from Christ, there could be no salvation or spiritual growth. Is that exclusive? Yes.