January 17: Stoplights and Mercy – Psalm 130
Maybe I'm just a guy, but when I look at a stoplight it becomes an enemy. I wait and I wait and I wait for it to change from red to green so I can get to my destination. It is only there to make me upset and cause [...]
January 14: I Want Justice! – Psalm 129
Do you ever just want justice because of some oppression or affliction? Someone wrongs you and you want to take care of it and issue your own justice. No doubt you would return harm for harm and cause things to simply be equal again. I've been there. Someone has [...]
January 12: Don’t Worry, Be Happy! – Psalm 128
Everyone wants to be happy. It is a state of mind that omits discouraging and negative things and thoughts that discourage us. When we are happy, the people around us notice. And when they notice it gives us a chance to tell them about Jesus and the hope He [...]
January 10: Great Things – Psalm 127
This is a song of ascent again as a traveler makes his way towards Jerusalem to worship. However, as you read it, you can see a shift in the way it is written. It is definitely written in the form of a proverb as if King Solomon wrote it. [...]
January 9: God’s Unexpected Grace – Psalm 126
Have you ever experienced a time when God did something really amazing in your life and restored you from a time of distress and incredible burdens? Maybe someone died in your family and you dropped quickly into a time of depression. Perhaps you were in an abusive marriage. It [...]
January 8: Trust God with Everything – Psalm 125
You can absolutely have confidence in God. I realize that sometimes we feel that God is far away from us and almost seems to be too busy for our small problems and concerns. However, He cares so deeply for us. God can help you regardless of your condition. He [...]