Christmas Devotional

31 Days of Promise and Hope…..Day 30: Inherited + Imputed = We need help!

By |Categories: Christmas Devotional|

Yesterday we reviewed the significance of Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden. As a result of Adam’s sin, we all have a corrupt nature. His sin was passed down to us. “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death [...]

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31 Days of Promise and Hope…..Day 26: Now What?

By |Categories: Christmas Devotional|

Christmas story…read. Food...eaten. Desserts…demolished. Dishes…cleaned. Pictures…snapped. Presents…opened. Torn wrapping paper…bagged. Naps…taken. Traveling…completed. Family…loved on. Now what? The Christmas season begins weeks and sometimes months before Christmas day. So much anticipation, purchasing, and craziness happen before that special day. Parties, children out of school, gift wrapping, decorating, and replacing burned out [...]

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