Palm Sunday: Jesus came to Seek and Save
Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Luke 19:30 The Preparation Jesus instructed His disciples to go and find a colt for Him to ride into Jerusalem. This colt was never ridden, and Jesus was going to make a grand entrance into the Holy [...]
Passion Week: Saturday
Jesus died yesterday. They placed his body in the borrowed tomb. The sadness experienced by those who knew Jesus best turned to despair as His death penetrated their hearts. Peter continued to ponder his denial of Christ in his mind. I’m sure each of the disciples thought about the [...]
Passion Week: Wednesday
To the ordinary person, another day is just another day to do ordinary things until it’s another day. To Jesus, Wednesday meant transition. Things were changing, and the palm branches that once waved to greet a Savior were now withering on the ground. Clothing that was used to line [...]
Passion Week: Tuesday
Ever had more to do than your day allowed? No time for lunch, additional appointments, phone calls, or outside activities. The clock moves extra quickly and the tasks move especially slowly. There is a battle between time and task. Inevitably, when your day is done, there is always more to [...]
Passion Week: Monday
I’m sitting here today reflecting on exactly what this week means and has meant for the past 2000 or so years. Many years ago, Jesus spent His last week before His death purposefully engaging in important activities. Interestingly, Jesus knew He was going to die within the week, so [...]
No Rest for Judas
Ever had more to do than your day allowed? No time for lunch, additional appointments, phone calls, unplanned conversations, or outside activities. The clock moves extra quickly and the countless tasks move especially slowly. There is a battle between time and task. Inevitably, when your day is done, there is [...]