Whether it’s cousin Eddie and his dysfunctional family of misfits, or aunt Bethany pledging allegiance through the blessing, there is one thing we have in common. Each of us seems to have family members in some of the outer limbs of our tree that cause us to struggle to find joy in the Christmas season. Perhaps it’s their vocabulary, their difference of opinion with us, their kids are uncontrollable and break things, someone’s always in a bad mood, someone is always sick, and someone is spreading good news of great joy, which is a runny nose and a sore throat. At the end of the day, we look for any escape and would gladly pull the parachute rip cord at any cost. You and your family drive back to the safety and quiet of your home, you thank God for your warm bed, and drift into a land of sugar plum fairies who live on candy cane lane. Does this sound familiar?
But, as trying as it can be, have you ever thought that you actually have influence over those who annoy you the most? Seriously. Perhaps a kind word or some conversation may open a door to share why Christmas is important to you. Hopefully, your Christmas is not wrapped with presents and ribbon, but with God’s unselfish love given to us through His Son, Jesus. In every family tree, there are those who struggle with doubt, and fight to believe anything that promises a better life. The only mention of God in their lives is preceded with the words, “oh my.” It’s easy to become dismissive and calloused around them because of their disregard for anything religious or spiritual. Have you ever thought that God places us in situations and with people who need the hope we have in us. By the way, that hope is not in the things we buy or give, but in Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. It is a hope that assures our present joy on earth and a future home in heaven. Don’t waste the opportunity to share Christ with others. The good thing is that we don’t have to go through a dozen more holidays before we engage our families in sharing this hope. I want to encourage you to share the hope that is in you with your families this season.
As you lie down tonight and slowly drift off once again to sleep, lift up a prayer for your lost and struggling family members. Perhaps you’re the one who’s struggling and looking for something better in life. He’ll hear your prayer too.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 5:16