It is interesting how times of crisis bring people together who pass by each other in cars and only speak with a raised hand as they pass each other on the way to work. We are so busy with jobs, families, church, soccer, baseball, and other activities that it takes a time of crisis to slow us down and force us to begin thinking about the community of people who live around us.

Slow Down

What are some areas in your life that could use a brake? That’s right a brake. Put the brakes on. Is there a chance that God wants you to work on not working? Sometimes work gets the best of us and we believe if we don’t do it that it will not get done properly and in the way that we want it done. That is an unhealthy approach to work and life. Is it possible that your neighbors need your help more than your job needs your help? Times of crisis are opportunities for compassion.

Share Compassion

Compassion is often characterized as a feeling or emotion but is best demonstrated as an action. Are you characterized as a person who demonstrates compassion consistently? This kind of action is a result of a changed heart. Continuous and consistent compassion is the heart of God placed in the heart of man. How does this happen? When a person places their faith in what Jesus did on the cross for them God creates in them a new heart. This heart is a heart of compassion. When someone with this kind of heart sees another person in need, the result is compassionate action. Over the next several weeks and months you may have the chance to see neighbors and communities in desperate need. How will you demonstrate a changed heart that puts compassion into action? To do this, you must stop wasting.

Stop Wasting

Time continues to move on as we work ourselves into weariness. My advice is to stop wasting your time on things that don’t matter. Work does matter, but the pursuit of things that will not last is insignificant and a waste of your time. Instead, spend time on displaying compassion to your neighbors and people who need your help. When we stop wasting time on insignificant things the significant things will become very clear to us.

Start Resting

In light of the past week’s events, I think it is entirely appropriate that we are reminded to seek out ways to slow down, share compassion, and stop wasting time. God has given us the opportunity to make a difference where He’s placed us. God gives us great influence with our neighbors, in our neighborhoods, and in our communities. What do I mean? I mean that God is going to allow many of us to show amazing compassion to people. and through that compassion, to share the gospel with them. This means we simply rest in God’s amazing and powerful presence in our lives and allow our changed hearts to affect others. We do what we do because we rest in the fact that God is ultimately in charge of all things.
I will show you my faith by my works -James 2:18