God Cares About You – February 10
When I look at your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you care [...]
The Lord is Faithful – February 7
His steadfast love endures forever (Psalm 136:1-3) The Psalmist cries out for a call to thanksgiving for God's people. He says to give thanks, show gratitude, or show appreciation to God because His love is steadfast. This thankfulness is [...]
3 Keys to Dwelling with the Lord – February 6
...and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever ~Psalm 23:6 What a scene! The banquet table is spread. Food and drink as far as the eye can see. So many guests...and you're one of them. You [...]
Three Components of God’s Love – February 5
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life ~Psalm 23:6 I had a dog for nearly 10 1/2 years whose name was Riley. She was the best! When I was outside working in the [...]
You’re a Special Guest – February 4
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows ~Psalm 23:5 The Shepherd provides your safety Anytime you have the opportunity to interact with others in a [...]
You Don’t Have to Fear – February 3
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. ~Psalm 23:4 Dorothy walks with special care and in [...]
Righteousness Through Humility – January 31
He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake ~ Psalm 23: What defines your life? When people look at you what do you want them to see or remember? Do you want others to remember you [...]
He Restores Your Soul – January 30
He restores my soul ~ Psalm 23:3 Life is full of challenges. You win some and you lose some. As a result, this makes you a prime target for disappointment along the journey. People, situations, and other circumstances will [...]
The Shepherd Provides in Dry Times – January 29
He leads me beside the still waters - Psalm 23:2 As an older elementary school student I played basketball in a youth league in our town. Most of you won't believe this, but I was on the Orange Team. [...]
The Word and Our Responsibility – March 3
But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. ~ James 1:22 I remember growing up in my house as a child and thinking that I must have been the only one who had parents as [...]
Hear First or You’ll Hurt Others
Know this, my beloved brothers, let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. ~ James 1:19 I have to be honest with you. James 1:19 is one of the most challenging things for me [...]
If You’re Brokenhearted, There’s Hope – February 27
The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. ~ Psalm 34:18 It is a pretty safe assumption that you are experiencing or have experienced brokenheartedness. It comes in many forms and is the result [...]
Trust the Lord in Your Chaos – February 26
Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed. ~ Psalm 34:5 I'm that guy. There is no pretense with me, and you can look at my face and tell my mood. If I'm [...]
Overcoming Your Fears – February 25
I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. ~ Psalm 34:4 I grew up in a loving home with parents who cared for me and provided all my needs. My mom was [...]
Bless the Lord on a Rainy Monday – February 24
I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. ~ Psalms 34:1 Every day is a struggle. You struggle to wake up from not enough sleep and groan as you take that [...]
Rude Driving and Loving Relationships
Love is not rude ~ 1 Corinthians 13:5a I have a rude habit when I drive, and I'm probably the only one who does anything like this. From time to time, I tend to get a little too close [...]
Arrogant People are Puffed People – February 19
Love is not arrogant ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is selfless; however, it is so easy to become puffed up and arrogant. Think about it. Sometimes we try to "one-up" each other in relationships. Your spouse or friend shares [...]
Pride and Dishwashers – February 18
Love does not boast ~1 Corinthians 13:4 As I look back over my marriage, I can identify times when my arrogance and pride caused problems in my relationship with my wife. Sometimes I'm just a man with no sense. [...]
It seemed appropriate for our children to study about Noah’s ark and the flood in our Sunday School this past Sunday. Our parking lot had become a flowing river and people all over the city began to experience the results of 10-17 inches of rain over the past couple of days. For the safety of those who might have braved the weather, I cancelled all of our services for the day. I waited at the church for an hour or so in the event someone showed up unexpectedly. This never happened. So, I used the time to pray for our city and state.
I can’t even begin to understand the devastating loss. Our state, like many others, is connected through so many different relationships. This web of relationships extends not only through the state, but also through other states as well. We hurt for those who became victims of the uncertain flooding. Thousands and thousands of people are struggling to figure out their next steps as they spend time in shelters and hotels around the state. Many are cut off from surrounding communities because the rising water washed away access from all roads. Many of the hardest hit cities are without running water, and those who do have water in those areas have been encouraged to boil their water before drinking. I’m sure that you’ve seen pictures of the widespread destruction. It is bad. I ask that you pray for South Carolina.
Officials in Columbia, S.C. stated that all deaths were from an identical cause: people stranded in cars that filled with water. He was sure the death toll would increase as the waters begin to recede.
You may ask, “What is the purpose of such tragedy,” or “What now?” I want to explore a couple of thoughts with you.
God’s Ways are Higher than Ours
For some, this may be an excuse without support. However, as I reflect on the difficult times we face in life, I am always reminded that God’s purpose prevails (Proverbs 19:21). God takes the tragedy and destruction in this world and uses it for His good. We may never know how many people God will change as a result of what has happened in South Carolina this week. I am not minimizing the heartbreak, but I am highlighting the one who mends the broken hearted.
God’s Economy Helps us to Understand the Brevity of Stuff
We live in a self-sufficient world that seemingly does not need God. We have everything we need. We have cars, fancy houses, granite top counters, stainless steel appliances, computers, antique furniture, family pictures, and things that mean so much to us. However, God’s economy says that those things are just things that will eventually be gone (Matthew 6:19). While our stuff may not last, our relationship with God will.
God’s Desire is to Have a Relationship with us
Above all, God desires to have a relationship with us. He created us to worship Him and Him alone. This relationship begins with our salvation (Romans 3:23; 6:23; 10:9; 8:9-10) and continues as we walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26). This relationship is more important than anything else in your life. It is more important than your spouse, children, job, or career path.
So now what?
If you are in the middle of the flood crisis, seek God for His favor and grace in your life. God will provide so much love and care for you in the middle of what seems like total devastation. Pray and seek God’s strength. Pray and seek God’s peace (Philippians 4:6-7). Understanding Philippians 4:6-7 is easy when things are going well in our lives. But, lose your house, car, family pet, years of photographs, and other significant items and it becomes more difficult.
If you are reading this from the outside, please pray for the people of South Carolina. I really believe God is going to do things with the hearts of people throughout this state and country. Your generous donations have helped to provide water, shelter, and clothing to so many.
Pray that God would allow you to develop a heart of compassion towards those who are less fortunate. As we develop a right understanding of our place in the universe, we quickly acknowledge that we are really just a small part of something incredibly large. Pray that God would allow you to significantly touch someone today and make a difference. You never know the difficulty someone may be facing.