Babies are Fun!
Babies are fun. They just are. They eat, sleep, cry, and poop. Not much more than that. Sometimes they crack a smile and giggle, but usually that’s a result of gas. They can’t feed themselves, hold a bottle, or even [...]
Do you ever get annoyed with people who live in Neverland? They never stop talking? I mean those who keep you from getting any words in a conversation because they feel like their words and thoughts are more important [...]
Lessons from my garden….John 15:1a
There were many things that Jesus said throughout His ministry. He said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6) He said, “whosoever believes in Me will not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). He said, [...]
Hot Dogs and the Red, White, and Blue
Coney Island is known for many things. The rides, the beaches, a place where dreams are made, and hot dogs. I’m sitting here today and trying to figure out what the purpose is in a Hot Dog Eating Contest. Each [...]
Magic Mike…..What?
After reading through a review of the new movie “Magic Mike,” I feel I needed to weigh in on the conversation. We live in a society that glamorizes infidelity, publicizes friends with benefits, and minimizes the consequences of both. In [...]
Do children go to heaven when they die?
Drs. Akin and Mohler co-wrote the article below giving a defense of why we believe that all children who die go to heaven. This article is reposted from Few things in life are more tragic and heartbreaking than the [...]
31 Days of Promise and Hope…..Day 18: Celebrate Christ
I wonder what Mary and Joseph were doing about this time 2000 or so years ago only 7 days before Jesus’ birth. It is somewhere around 80-90 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem. This means that Mary and Joseph were doing [...]
Singing Fish and Trout Ties
A singing fish whose tail flaps to the song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” may have been the worst gift of all time. What at first seemed like a great idea flapped on the office wall, eventually moved to the garage, [...]
31 Days of Promise and Hope…..Day 16: I Can’t Find a Parking Place!
Watch out! Hey, you took my place! I can’t believe that guy cut me off like that! Can you believe she took the last Kitchen Aid Mixer! I wanted the purple one to match my kitchen and she took it. [...]
31 Days of Promise and Hope…..Day 15: Fruit Cake, Family Reunions, and Stress
A mass of people gathering in a room too small around a tiny camera balanced on several encyclopedias, families wearing matching tacky sweaters, and we can’t forget about the 9 pound fruitcake that no one eats. Maybe it’s the caroling [...]
31 Days of Promise and Hope…..Day 14: Unassuming Accommodations
Unassuming accommodations. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. A stable? A manger? A feeding trough? Animals? Put me in charge and it would have been totally different. Mary and Joseph would have had a penthouse room at the Hilton. [...]
31 Days of Promise and Hope…..Day 13: O Come to See Frosty Have a Wonderful Life
Most of us grew up in hope where children were all nestled in their beds with sugar plum fairies dancing in their heads because they were guaranteed the most expensive and trendy gifts on the market. With dreams of Xboxes, [...]
31 Days of Promise and Hope…..Day 12: Unforgetabble!
18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 19 And her husband [...]
31 Days of Promise and Hope…..Day 11: Worship Should be Our Response to Grace
46 And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; 49for he who is mighty has done [...]
31 Days of Promise and Hope…..Day 10: What an Example
36 And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. 37 For nothing will be impossible with God.” 38 And Mary said, “Behold, I am the [...]
It seemed appropriate for our children to study about Noah’s ark and the flood in our Sunday School this past Sunday. Our parking lot had become a flowing river and people all over the city began to experience the results of 10-17 inches of rain over the past couple of days. For the safety of those who might have braved the weather, I cancelled all of our services for the day. I waited at the church for an hour or so in the event someone showed up unexpectedly. This never happened. So, I used the time to pray for our city and state.
I can’t even begin to understand the devastating loss. Our state, like many others, is connected through so many different relationships. This web of relationships extends not only through the state, but also through other states as well. We hurt for those who became victims of the uncertain flooding. Thousands and thousands of people are struggling to figure out their next steps as they spend time in shelters and hotels around the state. Many are cut off from surrounding communities because the rising water washed away access from all roads. Many of the hardest hit cities are without running water, and those who do have water in those areas have been encouraged to boil their water before drinking. I’m sure that you’ve seen pictures of the widespread destruction. It is bad. I ask that you pray for South Carolina.
Officials in Columbia, S.C. stated that all deaths were from an identical cause: people stranded in cars that filled with water. He was sure the death toll would increase as the waters begin to recede.
You may ask, “What is the purpose of such tragedy,” or “What now?” I want to explore a couple of thoughts with you.
God’s Ways are Higher than Ours
For some, this may be an excuse without support. However, as I reflect on the difficult times we face in life, I am always reminded that God’s purpose prevails (Proverbs 19:21). God takes the tragedy and destruction in this world and uses it for His good. We may never know how many people God will change as a result of what has happened in South Carolina this week. I am not minimizing the heartbreak, but I am highlighting the one who mends the broken hearted.
God’s Economy Helps us to Understand the Brevity of Stuff
We live in a self-sufficient world that seemingly does not need God. We have everything we need. We have cars, fancy houses, granite top counters, stainless steel appliances, computers, antique furniture, family pictures, and things that mean so much to us. However, God’s economy says that those things are just things that will eventually be gone (Matthew 6:19). While our stuff may not last, our relationship with God will.
God’s Desire is to Have a Relationship with us
Above all, God desires to have a relationship with us. He created us to worship Him and Him alone. This relationship begins with our salvation (Romans 3:23; 6:23; 10:9; 8:9-10) and continues as we walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26). This relationship is more important than anything else in your life. It is more important than your spouse, children, job, or career path.
So now what?
If you are in the middle of the flood crisis, seek God for His favor and grace in your life. God will provide so much love and care for you in the middle of what seems like total devastation. Pray and seek God’s strength. Pray and seek God’s peace (Philippians 4:6-7). Understanding Philippians 4:6-7 is easy when things are going well in our lives. But, lose your house, car, family pet, years of photographs, and other significant items and it becomes more difficult.
If you are reading this from the outside, please pray for the people of South Carolina. I really believe God is going to do things with the hearts of people throughout this state and country. Your generous donations have helped to provide water, shelter, and clothing to so many.
Pray that God would allow you to develop a heart of compassion towards those who are less fortunate. As we develop a right understanding of our place in the universe, we quickly acknowledge that we are really just a small part of something incredibly large. Pray that God would allow you to significantly touch someone today and make a difference. You never know the difficulty someone may be facing.