Why is communication so important in your marriage? First, if you never talk to your spouse, you will live in an extremely quiet house. Second, if you don’t talk with your spouse, you will eventually talk with someone who will fulfill those needs of relational communication.
We need healthy communication with our spouse
Think about it. As a spouse, it is important that you not only have a marriage certificate that you both once signed, but that you intentionally make that marriage relationship a priority. You do that through investing a significant amount of time with your spouse. That doesn’t mean you guys sit together on the couch every night and watch 4 hours of television without talking. Television is not necessarily bad. You can always talk to the television, but it will never talk back! Your spouse, however, will engage in conversation. And by the way, they will actually talk back!
Communication substitutes stink
The fact is that everyone seeks relationships. The problem is when your significant relationship with your spouse isn’t significant at all and you decide to fill that void with someone else. However, relationships do not grow healthy in a cone of silence. Healthy relationships flourish through effective communication. Don’t allow substitutes to become significant. The more time you invest communicating with your spouse, the less likely substitutes will fill the void in your life. Why? There will be no void. Allow the relationship and communication you desire to come from your spouse, not some inadequate substitute!
Talking with your spouse requires listening to your spouse
Honestly, it’s pretty easy to talk with your spouse. On the other hand, it is extremely difficult to listen to your spouse. Why? There are many reasons. For guys, listening is more about the big picture than the details. If you’re a guy, that’s not a pass. Hear me? Just because you hate details of a conversation does not mean that you should turn off the signal. Men should try their very best to listen to the details and attempt to understand exactly what your wives want you to know. For the ladies, quit perceiving what your husband never meant to say. I know this is difficult and may make you mad. However, it is very important not to assume your husband is saying something that he is not. Wrong assumptions often produce the fiercest fights! So, it is important for men to concentrate on the details, and women to listen to the context of what your husband is saying.
Will this solve all of your communication problems? Absolutely NOT! However, it will go a long way toward demonstrating to your spouse that you care and want to intentionally work on listening better. Sometimes spouses just want to see that you’re trying and that they matter. You can accomplish both by intently listening to each other. The best time to start communicating better is now. Don’t let another day go by without effectively communicating with your spouse.