
Everything we do is simply a reflection of who we are and what we value. Values are important to us because they guide just about all we do. Values help to guide us through the many challenges. Some challenges are easy and some are difficult. Either way, our values drive important decisions. When we decide to set goals in our lives, we have the potential to live to the glory of God in some exciting ways. If we are Christ-followers, our goals should reflect the specific values that a relationship with Christ affords.  


One thing is certain. As I get older, my eyes get worse. I can’t read as clearly as I did earlier in my life. I guess you could say that I struggle from lack of clarity! Lack of clarity causes traffic accidents, missed basketball shots, errant passes, tripping up the staircase, and not reading clearly. Lack of clarity can produce so many difficulties. When it comes to goals, unclear goals can never be accomplished because of their lack of clarity. Clarity is important because if you don’t know where you’re aiming, you will miss it every time! It’s like needing glasses, refusing to wear them, and shooting at a target 10 yards away. You’ll miss it every time! Clear goals will help you to create steps to accomplish those goals. If you clearly know where you’re headed, you create steps to accomplish those goals.


The only way to determine if you accomplish your goals are if your goals are actually concrete. Concrete goals, unlike abstract goals, are measurable. If you develop concrete goals in your life, you will be able to paint a picture in your mind of the completed goal. Concrete goals are attainable. Abstract goals usually never work because it’s difficult to measure abstract. Here’s the difference. An abstract goal would be a desire to  play sports better. A concrete goal would be to make an average of 90% of the free throws you attempt on the basketball court. If you successfully create concrete goals for your life, you chances to attain those goals will dramatically increase.


Unchallenging goals are not goals at all. Goals that fail to test or stretch us are only items on a check list that most anyone can achieve. Unchallenging goals also tend to demotivate because they are….well….unchallenging. Unchallenging goals not only demotivate, but they also produce apathy. Of course, the opposite is true as well. If your goals are too challenging they will also demotivate you and increase your level of anxiety. So, your goals should be challenging but manageable.


Creative goals encourage us to reach higher. This may take some work. When I say creative, I am saying to shoot for the stars. Don’t accept the status quo for your goals. Don’t minimize your dreams. Don’t let the fact that you’ve never done it before keep you from trying to accomplish something huge. Creative goals are motivating goals. Creative goals are exciting goals. Creative goals add variety to the mundane daily routines that so often bore us to death! Be creative!


Completed goals encourage us to set more goals. Uncompleted goals just make us weary. It’s like a laundry list of items that we never get done. The list just gets longer and longer until we just knock some things off the list and move on.
