“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 7:21
I thought I did enough to make it. I probably made more free throw shots than anyone on the team. I was an excellent 3-point shooter. We had dribbling drills, which I smoked! Passing drills that were a breeze. I successfully made cut after cut. Every couple of days, I saw my name on the cut list, and less worthy, poor shooting, unable to defend 7th graders didn’t make the cut. After that, we got down to the final cut.
Two-on-two drills. I picked the perfect partner, and we made other teams look like elementary school children. I’m not saying I was good…..ok. I’m saying I was great. I ran the running drills and everything the coach asked me to do. We headed to the showers, and I felt terrific about my tryouts. Two weeks of running, shooting, dribbling, and defense. Here’s the truth. I deserved a spot on the team. If anyone deserved a place, I deserved a place.
The next day the final cut list was posted on the coach’s door. I woke up early and pushed to get out of the house so I could hit the gym and affirm that I made the team. I walked up to the door, and the coach was standing there and asked me to come into his office. He was a very short and round little man but was rough and gruff. He looked at me and said, “Tommy, I’m sorry. You’re just not tall enough to be on the team.” Now, remember, this was coming from a guy who was shorter than I am.
I already had my jersey size figured out and was a day away from putting the schedule on the refrigerator. But not now. I was too short. Of all the things anyone could say to me. I had never been very tall, and I knew that was an issue. But talk about killing my soul? That did it. And the fact that I remember it today is evidence of the way it killed my heart.
Everyone’s not going to make it
Can you imagine the scene? Not making the basketball team is one thing. But when we stand before the Lord one day, it gets very real very fast. You’re confident. You’re sure you made the team. You went to church all your life. You were part of a Sunday School. You did good things for other people. Others looked at you and were always impressed at your Bible knowledge. As you got older, people wanted to be in your discipleship class because you were a master teacher.
But it was about to get real. At some point, we all die and then stand before the Lord Jesus.
At that time, whatever others have said about us no longer matters, and what we did no longer matters. The only thing that matters is whether or not we ever placed our faith in what Jesus did for us on the cross when He took God’s wrath for our sins. He took the punishment we deserved so that Jesus could reconcile us to God. Jesus died on the cross so that we would not have to experience those horrific words.
How will your conversation with the Lord go? “Lord, I did so much for you. I was in Sunday School, taught Sunday School, always went to Vacation Bible School, cut people’s grass who could not do it themselves, was selfless and gave time to help others, sang in the choir, and served in many leadership roles in my church. I’m so glad to see you and can’t wait to spend the rest of eternity with you.”
Jesus then speaks as He looks at you with piercing eyes and says, “I never knew you; depart from me you workers of lawlessness” (Matthew 7:23). The finality of that statement should cause us to shutter. There is no chance for a “redo.” The tryouts are over, and you didn’t make it. And understand that this hurts Jesus. He came to seek and save you, but you never accepted the gift.
So now what? Eternity in hell. There is no other option. You can’t go back and try out again. Life is one big tryout for eternity. Getting to heaven is about doing the will of the Father, which is to place your trust in Jesus.
Have you? Are you sure?
A Prayer…
Lord, help me to know that I’ve made the most important decision I can make. Show me. I’m one of yours. Lord, if I’m not, will you please save me? I don’t want to spend eternity in hell separated from you forever. Help me know for sure today.