If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.
1 Corinthians 15:19
I woke up, hit the alarm, brushed my teeth, cleared the fog from my mind, nothing has changed. It’s like I’m in a movie that goes on and on and on. A dream that seems never to end. A vacation ride that begs the question, “Are we there yet?” Same thing, new day. Is it real? Is it a movie? Am I in a dream? What will our world look like when COVID-19 has had its say in 151 countries. This silent and deadly killer of people of all ages. It seems very aggressive, and we are simply sitting in our homes waiting and wondering when the virus will make its way down our street and into our homes.
Is it fear? Should we be scared? What is your expectation?
The current expectation
It is so true that we have a great expectation of hope in this life. I think it sometimes takes a hard slap in the face to realize just how fortunate we are to live in a country where we have to opportunity to hear so much about Jesus. Many of you have placed your faith in what He did on the cross. What did He do? He died on the cross to satisfy God’s wrath against us who sin against Him. I know that’s not a very popular thing to say, and it is even offensive to those who don’t want to hear the truth.
It would be irresponsible for me to have great expectations and hope in my life and not tell someone about that hope. The expectation is salvation. Paul tells us this, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Do you see what He did there? God demonstrated His love towards us.
When I was younger, my mom and dad demonstrated their love towards me by providing a safe place for me to live. It was something I took for granted until I had my children. But God did something that gives us fantastic hope. He sent His son to die for us. So what do we do? How do we stake claim to that hope and promise?
We do several things.
We realize we are sinners and turn from that sin and towards God. Now in today’s world, being called a sinner is offensive. But before we can move to number 2, we must embrace number 1. Please put your pride aside and realize your complete helplessness in life apart from Jesus.
We must confess our sins and receive God’s forgiveness. God wants to forgive you and have a relationship with you.
We have to understand that when Jesus died on a cross that He willingly gave His life, bled and suffered, to satisfy God’s punishment against US. He took our punishment so that we could live a life of joy during trouble (John 10:10).
Thank Jesus for dying for you. Receive His forgiveness. Live your new expectation and hope that Jesus gives you.
The future expectation
Paul said that we do have a current expectation, but that is not the best gift given. Our perspective should be that this life is short and passing quickly. If there is one thing COVID-19 has taught us is that there are things out of our control that helps us to see life is so unpredictable. And truthfully, life is short. We live, we experience joy in Christ, and then we die and experience heaven for eternity. Paul said that we would be the “most pitied” if our hope ended at the grave.
But with the right perspective and understanding, we should have a future expectation of heaven. Is this morbid? I don’t think so. I believe it is amazingly hopeful.
Have you made that decision in your life? It’s not about living happily. It’s about the truthful expectation of eternal life with Jesus. Jesus offers you this expectation. Will you grasp it today?
A Prayer…
Lord, I know that I’m a sinner and do things that are against Your word. I confess that to you and turn towards you as my Savior. Thank you for saving my life. I was headed down a path that led to destruction, but now I will live a life of great expectation. Help me as I travel this steep and challenging road. You are my Hope!