I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.

2 Timothy 1:5

People always impact others even when they don’t realize it. For many of us, our mothers have had an incredible influence on us. Mothers are generally strong, compassionate, caring, and provide a nurturing kind of love. Timothy had a mother of tremendous influence in his life and he lived out what she demonstrated. It really is one of the best ways to learn. Someone shows us and then we do it. That’s what Timothy did.

Sincere Faith is Undeniable

Lois, Timothy’s grandmother, had a sincere faith that was undeniable. We don’t know much about her from Scripture, but what we do know is that she practiced a sincere faith in front of her daughter, Eunice, and most likely Timothy. It’s not too difficult to realize the difference between sincere and insincere. I imagine Lois had an opportunity to ditch her faith at some point and hang on to something else that promised relief from all of life’s problems. But, she was a determined woman and lived with sincere faith. When troubles came and the waves of adversity crashed over the boat, Lois was faithful to look to God as the source of her strength. It was a sincere faith.

This wasn’t a made-up kind of faith to gain anything. She loved God and showed it to those around her.

Many of us had grandmothers who demonstrated that kind of faith. The kind of faith that changes things. It was a faith that rested in God’s sovereignty and plans for them. When you looked at them there was no question as to their allegiance. It was to God.

Sincere Faith is Non-Transferrable

Lois and Eunice had sincere faith in God, but it was not a transferrable kind of faith. Just because Lois and Eunice demonstrated a sincere faith, it didn’t mean that Timothy would somehow inherit that faith. Faith is not a genetic disposition passed down from generation to generation. Timothy had to experience his own faith in God. This probably wasn’t difficult because he saw it in his mother and grandmother. He saw faith in good times and bad, and this made the difference. But he still had to make his own decision.

While Timothy made the decision to follow the Lord, we cannot discount the influence of those closest to him. Paul understood the importance of having faithful influencers in his life. But Lois and Eunice could not make the decision for Timothy.

What kind of life would Timothy have led if his mother and grandmother had not known God? I imagine his life would look quite different. Timothy may have been a forgotten blacksmith in history who failed to make a difference. But instead, Timothy chose God.

Thank God for your Mothers

Take some time today to thank God for your mothers and the influence they’ve had in your life. Pray that the Lord would richly bless their days and multiply their influence through living a faithful life.