My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

John 10:27

If there is ever a verse that defines the Christian relationship, it is this one. Jesus says so much about Himself in this one verse, and we often overlook the simple things He wants us to understand. Now I know that we don’t always like to be told what to do, but this morning, it is more about Jesus than us. But isn’t that the way it should be? Let’s look at this insightful verse.


We Hear and Follow

Jesus begins by saying, “My sheep.” If we have come to faith in Jesus, then we are His sheep. Sheep are messy and often aloof. They need someone to follow who will care for them and lead them to the necessary things of life. And we are HIS sheep. We are His responsibility, and he cares so deeply for us. Jesu says His “sheep hear (His) voice.” Do you? Do you hear His voice?

When God saved you, He immediately sent His Holy Spirit to take up residence in your body. I know this is deep, but it is also something we desperately needed. The Holy Spirit was sent to guide us and to be our perfect helper. This “Spirit of Christ” is our Shepherd. So how do we honor that? We hear, or pay close attention to, the Holy Spirit’s leading in our lives.


He Knows and Leads

Jesus tells His sheep that He knows them. He knows us. He knows our disappointments, joys, and needs. He intimately knows all things about us and cares deeply for us. Our response is simple. The love Jesus has for us should cause us to respect, admire, and worship Him. It should also cause us to fear or revere Him. If someone is going to take care of us, isn’t it essential for Him to intimately know us? He knows our needs and wants us to trust Him to provide for us. There is no end to the depth of His love for us.


We Follow Because we Trust

As a result of our being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s urging in our lives, and with the realization that the Holy Spirit intimately knows us, the only reasonable response is to follow Him. When we don’t, we are likely making one of the most serious errors of our lives.

In this case, to follow means to go after or obey. It’s simple. We follow who we trust. Do you trust the Holy Spirit to guide you and help you as you live your life each day? How about today? Have you read the Bible and sought its wisdom for your day?

If you’re going to follow the Lord, you need to commit to reading, studying, and meditating on His words in Scripture. They are life (John 6:63).

Take an honest assessment of yourself today. How are you doing with your Bible? Are you reading it? Are you spending time allowing the Holy Spirit to teach and encourage you through it?

Click here for another article on following Jesus.

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