You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows
~Psalm 23:5

The Shepherd provides your safety

Anytime you have the opportunity to interact with others in a safe environment is a great time. David is telling you here that the Lord is providing a table (meal) before you in the presence of your enemies. This also means the Lord is protecting so that no harm will come to you during the dinner. You can eat with certain safety.

David certainly lived in troubled times and many sought his position of authority. But in the midst of this unstead time, David experienced the assurance provided by the host. You have this same opportunity. When David said, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want,” he was also talking about the calm the Lord provided in the middle of stress and anxiety. When David rested in the Lord, David’s stress and anxiety drifted away as he enjoyed the meal provided by his special Host.

The Shepherd considers you special

In Bible times, when someone welcomed you into their home they would anoint your head with oil. This was an act of recognizing you as a special and welcomed guest. David was marked as a special guest at the party. Not because David was worthy, but because the Lord demonstrated His love.

I’ve been an unwelcome guest at an event several years ago and it was the most uncomfortable I and my family have felt in some time. People either stared or would not look at us at all. They definitely would not engage us in conversation. We could not wait to leave and return to a place where we were valued. I think this is what the Shepherd is trying to show David. David was valued.

The value David was given was demonstrated by the oil on placed on his head by His Shepherd. His Shepherd, the Lord, recognized him as special and demonstrated that in front of each of the guests in attendance. The Shepherd was not embarrassed or looking for a way to push David out. He embraced David.

The same Shepherd feels the exactly the same way about us. He values us and we are considered special to Him. Did you know that? The Lord considered you as something special and valuable to Him if you are a Christ-follower. If you’re not, you can be.

The Shepherd loves to abundantly bless you

The same Shepherd who loves you blesses you beyond what you can contain. Take a minute and look at the picture of a cup overflowing. This is a picture of the Lord providing blessings until they overflow. Who doesn’t want that?

What a special host!

A good host at a party always places the needs of others first. They provide a place to relax, a place of honor, and blessings beyond expectation.

This is the Lord you serve! The Lord wants to do the same for you, but you must accept His invitation to the dinner and trust Him to provide through His love for you.

Some Questions…

  1. What causes your daily stress?
  2. How can you simply rest in the Lord and receive all He has for you? (protection, special-guest status, and blessing)
  3. The Lord loves you so much. How can you share this kind of love with others?