Mother’s Day is a day when children celebrate the one who raised and praised them through some of the best and worst times. And while mothers should receive the love of their children, I believe a mother’s joy is most found when she sees her children loving Jesus and loving others. After all, we don’t take our children to church to learn morality. We take them to church with the hope and expectation that they will fall in love with Jesus and serve Him by serving others.

Mothers live by example

I am sure that many of you can remember growing up in a home where your needs came before your mother’s needs. She made sure that you were well fed and well in bed. In most homes, you didn’t get to stay up past the stated “bedtime” and certainly were kept from the kitchen following dinner. “No sweets after dinner! You will have nightmares!” Your mother was a defender and advocate for you when you went through your first real boyfriend/girlfriend breakup. They were there to iron your basketball jersey before each game and make sure you were there on time.

They did without things so that you could have things. This is a mother’s love. But I find something even more intriguing about mothers. They live by example before their children. If you were fortunate enough to live in a home where your mother went to church and made you go, you were fortunate. Why? Because she gave you an opportunity to watch her worship Jesus, the One she loves more than anything or anyone. Because she gave you an opportunity to see that church was not just about being a member or being baptized, but it was about a relationship with Jesus. You see, when your mother demonstrated her love for Jesus, you were the beneficiary.

Hopefully, you were also fortunate enough to see your mother love others. Not just your father, but other people who were not part of your family. I’m not talking about just going on overseas mission trips, but actually doing ministry in your own community. Her love for Jesus translated into a love for others in her community in such a way that everyone knew her heart and her gracious spirit. You see, when your mother demonstrated her love for others because of her love for Jesus, you were the beneficiary.

Children learn by example

That’s right! We were the beneficiary of a mother’s example. Think about it this way. A child learns to talk from the example of others. As a child grows and becomes cognitively able to understand language, he/she begins to copy what they hear. That is why the first word out of a toddler’s mouth is usually the word “NO!” It’s because they hear it so often.

Children are the same way when it comes to loving Jesus and others. They learn by watching. They go to church with their mothers and watch them worship and serve. Then they go throughout the town watching their mothers serve Jesus by serving others in the community. Children see the joy their mothers experience by serving. This makes a difference in the life of a child.

This is for mothers. NEVER think that your example is insignificant. Your example has perhaps the most significant influence on a child’s heart. Love Jesus and love others so that your children will learn from your example.

Adults model their example

As I said earlier, I believe a mother’s joy is most found when she sees her children loving Jesus and loving others. Life is short and time continues to tick-tock away. Isn’t it great to see your children love Jesus now like you did as they were growing up in your home? This is where a mother receives her reward for raising her children. When a mother looks back over the hard years of discipline, anger, and all the other pleasures of being a mother, her joy is found in the product. What’s the product? Getting to see her children loving Jesus and loving others. That’s it. That’s the way it should be. That’s the way God intended it. Here’s what God says…..

5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates (Deuteronomy 6:5-9).