Humility is easier to define than to display. Some would say that humility is the opposite of pride. Some would say that humility is the absence of pride. The problem is as believers we all struggle with pride. It creeps in slowly and disguises itself as advancement, success, or accomplishment. This pride quickly shifts our focus towards self-centeredness, and we fail to remember who we are in Christ. I believe that humility is fostered primarily by understanding our position in Christ. Honestly, humility in my life usually is the result of God’s discipline, my limitations, or my own foolish mistakes. Let me share part of my story with you.
Thirteen years ago, I woke up one morning to discover that I could not walk. I rolled out of the bed, stepped on the floor, and nearly fell immediately. Even the slightest amount of weight on my leg sent incredible shooting pain down to my foot. I felt like my leg was going to explode. I’m serious. That thing hurt! So I tried it again. No luck. I still felt an electric pain gnawing and crawling down my leg. At that point, I knew I was in trouble. I couldn’t walk. I called for my wife. This was the first time in my life that I had no control over something I took for granted….the simple ability to walk.
I struggled in the bed for 6 weeks hoping that I would somehow get even a small amount of relief and eventually get back on my feet. Nope! That was not the case. Not even close. Eventually I had surgery to temporarily to resolve my leg issue, which was actually a lower back issue. When I say temporarily, I mean very temporarily. I had been cursed by the genetic code in my family and developed degenerative disc disease. I sometimes laughingly blame my mother for all of those issues! Over the course of thirteen more years I had four additional back surgeries and dealt with constant nagging pain. It was a thirteen-year lesson in humility. However, during those long hours in the bed over these past years, I learned some valuable lessons.
- Humility is a result of understanding God is amazingly gracious when you need Him most (Philippians 4:12).
- Humility is a result of growing in difficult and dark times.
- Humility is a result of understanding that God’s grace is sufficient and your strength is not (2 Corinthians 12:9).
- Humility is a result of understanding that God is absolutely sovereign (Proverbs 16:1-4).
- Humility is recognizing that we are totally dependent on God for everything (Deuteronomy 8).
- Humility is not bringing attention to us, but bringing attention to God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
- Humility is best displayed through our authentic worship of and prayer to our God who cares deeply for us!
The end of this story has a happy ending. Following my fifth back surgery, it looks like I’m healed from any of the prior pain I experienced. The surgery was extensive, but I am confident in God’s grace through the healing process. Trust God with everything in your life and take credit for none. It is God who gives you success and achievement in your life. It is God who gives you each breath to breathe. It is God who provides you with great abundance! Trust Him with a humble heart.