I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
John 10:11

My son has been working for Disney this past year, which allowed my wife and me to visit him and Disney World several times. I love that place because it takes me back to my childhood. While I don’t remember it, I was actually at Disney World on October 1, 1971, when it opened. Years of building and construction, manicured lawns, spectacular Imagineering, and untold numbers of people waiting to get into the park. I, of course, was only three years old, so I honestly don’t remember anything. My parents told me there were a ton of people wrestling around trying to get into the park to see this new and fantastic place.

If you’ve ever been to Disney World, you know there is one way into the park. It takes you under the railroad and into Main Street. People line up in long lines to be some of the first into the park and scramble to get to the rides before everyone else. But there is only one way in, and you have to have a ticket.

Jesus offers salvation (John 10:9)

Jesus is very clear that He is the way to salvation. He said, “I am the door.” This subject is not a very popular idea today. Many people refuse to hear the truth in Jesus’ voice as He claims to be the only way to heaven. The only way to salvation. When he says He will save us, it is the word for salvation.

And as a result of this magnificent salvation He offers to us, He also promises pasture. What an odd word to use. But, He continues to refer to us as sheep. Sheep are always looking for pasture. It is a joy to the sheep to be in the pasture. In essence, Jesus is saying that He will provide for our daily needs, and those who love Jesus and walk through the door (trust Jesus and what He did on the cross for us) will experience the extravagant love.

Jesus offers abundant life (John 10:10)

Walking through those gates at Disney World is always a magical thing for me. It never gets old. It’s a world of amazing imagination and excitement. It turns us into children again. It ignites our adrenaline, and we become part of that magical world built for families to enjoy.

But, the life Jesus offers us is not imaginary. It is real, and it is abundant. It is often difficult to explain because it defines our perspective on life as well as our difficult situations. How can a person have abundant life and live in a world of hurt, hunger, fear, and heartache? Jesus is the only and perfect answer to what we need. His love for us is unending (John 10:28). It is real and not imaginary. He came to earth to give us an overflowing life. He came to provide us with abundant life.

Did you see what he did there? When we walk through the door (John 10:9), everything changes. We are saved and given an overflowing and abundant life.

Jesus offers His life for us (John 10:11)

How does Jesus do this? He lays down His life for us (John 10:11, 15). In a self-centered, everything’s about my world, the idea of someone loving us so much that they would die for us doesn’t make sense. It’s all about what we can accumulate. You know, keeping up with the neighbors next door. Having the nicest cars, the newest phones, the most fashionable clothes, and what we think abundant life is.

It’s a lie. It’s all a lie.

All of the things we work so hard for in life will eventually disappear. Cars will rust. Clothing will go out of style. Phones will become obsolete. Then what?

Our lives are on a trajectory towards one of two places. Either we walked through the door that Jesus is because of His death through a cruel and horrific Roman cross, or we have chosen to reject the life that Jesus promises us through His death. Jesus being the only way to salvation, is not a popular statement today, but it is true. Your trajectory depends on the decision you make in your life. Jesus doesn’t force us to love Him. He demonstrates His love for us by dying on a cross to take the penalty for our sins against His Father.

Heaven or hell. Salvation or destruction. Abundance or waste. If you’ve walked through that amazing door of salvation that Jesus offers you, then you understand the abundance He provides.

But, if you are contemplating life today and the decision you need to make is to walk through that door that Jesus is, do it. Don’t put it off. Listen, Jesus gives us a chance to become one of His sheep. He promises to take care of us, feed us, shelter us, and love us more than we can ever comprehend.

It’s up to you to receive this unparalleled gift given by an unmatched Savior of the world.

A Prayer…

Jesus, I know I’m a sinner, and I know that you still love me despite myself. I’ve been running away from you for so long, and I’m so tired of playing the game. So today, I want to give my life to you. I want to walk through the door you’re offering me to receive salvation. I absolutely believe you died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins so that I would not have to, and today I receive your forgiveness. Jesus, thank you for making a way for me to experience eternal life with You. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me the strength to turn from my sin and towards You as my strength and purpose and source of life overflowing. I promise to live for You as best I can with Your help.

If you prayed that prayer…

If you prayed that prayer and meant it, Jesus saved you. You are a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17). I would love to know if you prayed that prayer. Please drop me an email ([email protected]), so I can continue to pray for you. Life is short, and eternity is forever.