Jesus died yesterday. They placed his body in the borrowed tomb. The sadness experienced by those who knew Jesus best turned to despair as His death penetrated and broke their hearts.
Peter continued to ponder his denial of Christ in his mind. “If I’d only done what I said I would do!” “I told Jesus that I would die before I denied.” “Im such a disappointment.” “It’s too late now to go back now.”
I’m sure each of the disciples thought about the Passover meal they shared with Jesus just a few days ago. The teaching, the miracles, the care, the compassion, and now it was gone. The disciples only had a memory of Jesus. What would they do now? What would you do if someone you loved died a cruel and disfiguring death? At some point between the time of Jesus’ death and burial, and Sunday evening, the disciples found their way back to each other and huddled together in a house for fear that they would be next (John 20:19).
Think back. When the uproar in the Garden of Gethsemane happened as they came to arrest Jesus all the disciples fled (Mark 14:50). We know Peter followed at a distance, but that was as close as he got to Jesus. There was that sharp glance from Jesus to Peter following Peter’s denial.
Think about it. Each of the disciples dropped their families and a career to follow Jesus. But now Jesus was dead. Gone. No longer there to lead. No longer there to teach. No longer there to protect. No longer there to help. I imagine the disciples began to wonder about what they would do now that Jesus was gone. Would they continue their spiritual journey? Jesus promised He would send Another Who would be with them forever (John 14:16). But there was no evidence of the Holy Spirit. Was Jesus being honest when He told His disciples He would send the Holy Spirit? In many ways, the disciples were stuck with more questions than answers.
Would they go back to their former lives? Would they pick up the fishing nets? Would they go back and collect taxes? Would they go back and visit their families? Would they continue to tell others about Jesus being “the Way?” Would they talk about the miracles Jesus did Would they eventually fall away from Jesus’ teachings?
So much sadness. So much doubt. So much indecision. Either way, their lives would never be the same. Who knew that an amazing transformation was going to take place in the lives of these men who once followed Jesus. It would not be long before these followers of Jesus would become leaders for the kingdom. But for now…….Jesus was in the tomb.
And Mary, the mother of Jesus. The agony of watching her Son die on a cross. How does a mother ever get over that? A broken heart and her Son in the grave.
Oh what joy tomorrow will bring…..