...even there Your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
Psalm 139:10
Growing up in my house was fun. I can remember having sock fights with my sister. We would barricade ourselves in our rooms, which were across from each other, tie our socks together, and have a war back and forth. We would throw socks at each other until one gave in through submission, which would hardly ever happen. I think we made up that game, but I’m not sure. The one thing I know is that my parents always knew what was going on. Mainly because of the screaming, but there were other times they knew what was going on, and I have no idea how.
I always thought my parents had some supernatural power to know where I was and what I was doing at all times. Almost like they had some magic eight ball, they would shake, and it would reveal my whereabouts and all I was doing. What was strange is that when I had children, I developed that same “magic eight ball” sense of knowledge with my kids. Maybe it’s a genetic trait passed down from parent to parent. I don’t know, but I know I didn’t get it until I had children.
The Lord is the same way. He is driven to know us because of His love for us. His love is more wonderful than we can imagine.
The Lord Knows Us Completely (v.1-6)
The Psalmist, David, begins Psalm 139 by describing the Lord’s unexplainable knowledge of us. He searched us and knows us. There is nothing hidden from the Lord. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows us when we sit down and when we walk around (v.2). There is nothing about our days that are we can hide from Him. We can’t go anywhere and do anything with the Lord knowing all about it.
In fact, in verse 3, we read where the Lord is acquainted with all our ways. So when we think bad thoughts about someone, speak bad things about someone, intentionally hurt someone, express prideful attitudes towards someone, and demand our way, the Lord knows it. We cannot hide from Him. Is this a good thing? I think sometimes we wish we could go off the righteous path and play with danger on the path more traveled. Even there, the Lord knows us and sees us.
If verse 3 isn’t enough, the Lord knows the words we say before we say them. How about that for a wake-up call? Watch your words. Remember, your words are an overflow of your heart. “Out of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34).
David says that kind of knowledge is too much for him. David understands the Lord’s complete knowledge of him, but cannot understand it. I think that is where most of us are today. We realize the Lord’s knowledge of us is so vast, but we also know that we can’t possibly understand how it all works. We have to trust it.
So what does this complete knowledge do for us? Isn’t that the question we all have? Where is the “so what” abut the Lord’s knowledge?
First, it should cause us to be more aware of what we do because we would not want to offend our Creator and the one who gives us each life-sustaining breath.
Second, it should cause us to love Him more because He cares too much for us. The Police wrote a song in 1983 titled “Every Move you Make,” which has an interesting chorus that comes close to describing the Lord. It’s not perfect, but think about these words
Every breath you take, every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take (I’ll be watching you)
Every single day, every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay (I’ll be watching you)
Every move you make, every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake (I’ll be watching you)
Every single day, every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay (I’ll be watching you)
The Lord Protects us Completely (v.7-9)
We know there is nowhere we can go that the Lord isn’t there. I find it interesting that v.7 mentions the word flee. Sometimes we want to flee from the Lord. Let’s be honest today. We want to get away from His presence. Runaway and see what others find so enticing about sinful pleasures in life? I’m sorry to say that you can’t do it. Wherever you go, the Lord is there. When Jonah tried to escape the Lord’s desire for his life, the Lord was there to pick him up and place him where He wanted him to go. As much as we wish to flee sometimes, it isn’t possible.
The Lord’s reach is incomprehensible. Wherever we go, His hand is there. The length of the Lord’s reach is unexplainable, but should also be comforting. The Lord knows us and is always protecting us with His unmatched reach towards us. He reaches because He knows us and still cares about us.
I often wonder why the Lord even cares about me. I’m such a mess up from time to time and don’t deserve the Lord’s love and protection. But he provides it anyway because of His perfect love for me. Verse 10 sums it up. The Lord leads us and holds us with his right (strong) hand. He leads us and keeps us. Not only does He know us and still love us, but he also leads us and protects us.
So, where does that leave us today? It should leave us in an amazing place of peace. The Lord knows us like none other and protects us like none other. Rest in the Lord’s care for you. He loves you, cares for you, protects you, and desires the best for you (Romans 8:28).
A prayer…
Lord, today I realize more than ever that you know me completely. You know my thoughts, my words, my actions, and my intentions. It should not be surprising since you Created me. Thank You for loving me enough to care. Thank You for loving me enough to protect me in my days. In days of uncertainty, it is comforting to know that You have control of my life and lead me to where I should go.