Sweat is dripping off the end of my nose. My shirt is saturated and sticking to my body. Never used muscles ache from overuse. My back hurts from bending over and over. My eyes itch because of small yellow particles finding their way and attaching themselves to my face. Some people call it pollen, but I call it misery. There is a small itch that eventually spreads up my arm and systemically throughout my body. That’s right! Poison Ivy just isn’t fun. Oh, and don’t forget the blisters I developed while trying to start the weed eater. But guess what…..I absolutely love working in the yard. With all the drawbacks, I still love it. It is how I relax. It is how I refresh. I know there are things and activities in your life that you love also. But that kind of love can never match the love God has for us or requires from us.
God requires us to love with a special love that only He can equip us to demonstrate. It is a love that overlooks the faults of others, comforts the heartbroken, shares with those in need, and cares for the unlovable. Have you ever considered that most people are unlovable? Think about it. We all have our many quirks and issues. Like it or not, it’s the way God made us. He made us all very different. I have often wondered if I could love someone like me. Usually, I think about it and answer with an emphatic, “NO.” How about you? Could someone love someone like you?
Regardless of how unlovable we are, God calls each of us to love one another. I know it seems simple and it is basically one of the first things we learn as preschoolers in a church setting. I’m sure you remember saying as a class, “God is love.” I can remember the flannel boards and cut out figures of Noah’s ark and a huge rainbow signifying that God loves us. He does. He loves us unconditionally. His unconditional love means that there is nothing we can to do earn His love, deserve His love, or lose His love. Paul said in Romans 8:38-39, “38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. His love is enduring and that is encouraging! But it doesn’t end there. We are also called to love one another.
Picture the same flannel board with cut out felt people in a field. They are there together loving and caring for one another. Everyone is in harmony and the world is fantastic. Here’s the idea. The same love God has for us should be the same love we have for others. I know…..it seems impossible. It really is impossible apart from the Holy Spirit working in your life to produce this unconditional and undeserving love for others. Jesus said in John 13:34-35, “34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” I think Jesus was pretty clear. We are to love others as He loved us. We don’t get a pass on loving others. We may not like what other people do, but we still should love them. It’s an obligation of following Christ. Here are a few reasons it is important to love others…..other than Jesus told us to do it.
Our worship is authentic
Our worship is authentic when we love others as Christ loved us. Authentic worship flows from our humble thankfulness for the love God had for us through Christ. Our love relationship with Christ is vital to staying in a right relationship with others. Although it is a struggle, it is still important to unconditionally love those who deserve it the least. When our relationships with others are healthy, authentic worship is not hindered by silly disagreements or personality conflicts. We’ve probably all been ill with someone because of personality differences. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life to help you rebuild and restore those unhealthy relationships.
Our witness is effective
People know it when we love others as Christ loved us. That’s what makes Christ-followers different from other people. Our desire to follow Christ trumps other desires we have in our lives. This desire to follow Christ also means that we attempt to follow His commands more than our own needs and wants. When others see that, they are more than impressed with the change Christ can make in a person’s life. If Christ can change your life He can change their lives!
While it is true that every relationship will not be a close relationship, we should strive to love them unconditionally. They certainly do not have to be your best friend. You even can choose not to have conversations with them because of wisdom. However, wisdom also says to love as Christ loved us……
How are you doing in this area? Are there relationships that need repairing or restoring? Take time this week to get things straight. Remember, Christ loved you and gave Himself up for you on the cross so that you would not have to die for your sins. What an amazing act of unconditional and undeserved love. When is the last time you demonstrated an act of unconditional love to someone who needs Christ?
Our words are encouraging
Our words are so much more encouraging when we truly love others. You’ve been there. It’s difficult to say encouraging things when you really have disdain for others. It is easier to encourage others with genuine words of affirmation. Don’t try and fake it. People know when you are not authentic. Love for others translates into encouragement. When is the last time you encouraged someone with your words?