To the ordinary person, another day is just another day to do ordinary things until it’s another day. To Jesus, Wednesday meant transition. Things were changing, and the palm branches that once waved to greet a Savior were now withering on the ground. Clothing that was used to line the path of Jesus as He entered Jerusalem was now washed and back in the homes of those who would begin to question their original thoughts about this man called Jesus. Wednesday marked the beginning of His final pursuit to the cross, which was prepared in God’s heart to save man’s soul. What made Wednesday different? We don’t really know. Scripture is silent about Jesus’ activities on Wednesday, but I think it is safe to say that this was not just another day….not for Jesus.
Yesterday (Tuesday), Judas bargained with the Sanhedrin and set in course a chain of events that would change both history and eternity. He spent Tuesday teaching in the temple. He taught about His authority, the greatest commandment, and even the destruction of the temple, which would occur in 70 AD. He taught about the great tribulation and how He would come and judge all nations. He spoke with His disciples and told them that He would be crucified in two days…it indeed was a full day. Yet, today, Jesus began to think about the family…His closest friends…His disciples. It was a day of reflection, preparation, and transition.
Jesus and the disciples spent Wednesday in Bethany. That’s all we know. But take a few minutes and think through the scene. Jesus, just yesterday, told His closest followers that he would suffer greatly through His own crucifixion. I can imagine that today was filled with questions from the disciples. Questions like, “What will we do?” “Where will we go?” “Why are you leaving us?” “What can we do?” Statements like, “It’s just not fair!” “May it never be!” “This can never happen!” But, as the disciples soon would find out, it was an inevitable plan fashioned in the heart of God before creation. I can imagine the day was filled with small conversations among the disciples trying to figure out how they might circumvent the upcoming events. I can imagine the day was filled with uncertainty and sadness. Perhaps Jesus took some time in the day to provide further explanation. Maybe Jesus had some amazing quality time with those guys reminiscing over the things they experienced together. The miracles, the teaching, the good times, the tough times. Just maybe.
Have you ever taken time to contemplate the events of Wednesday in Passion Week? We are very quick to think about the betrayal, the denial, the gruesome events of the crucifixion, and the resurrection. Are we quick to think about how Jesus spent Wednesday in preparation for the events to come? Are we quick to think about how Jesus’ instruction in the temple finally came to an end? Throughout His ministry, Jesus spent time in the temple. Even from the age of 12, He was in the temple teaching and being about His Father’s work. But all of that came to an end as He fell asleep on Tuesday. Jesus woke on Wednesday with the knowledge that His teaching time in the temple was over. And now, His laser focus was on the cross and on our sin.
Regardless of what was said or done on Wednesday, Jesus pulled in His closest for a day of reflection and preparation as the Passover was quickly approaching. As for the malicious plan of Judas betraying Jesus, the Sanhedrin continued its plans to catch, convict, and crucify. At this point, time only began to speed up as we are only a day away from the Lord’s Supper with His disciples.
I want to encourage you to take some reflective time today. Maybe at lunch. Maybe after dinner. Maybe at the gym. Maybe on your porch. Maybe during a walk alone. Wherever and whenever, take some time to reflect on this day of transition. Take some time to think through the emotions the disciples must have felt for their closest friend. Jesus’ death was the single most significant event in history. Do you feel the anticipation of things to come? Do you understand the significance for you personally? I cannot even comprehend what Jesus must have been going through on Wednesday. But, I do know this. In two days, Jesus would die in our place.
What a week…What a Wednesday…What a weight…What a Savior….