But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him and his righteousness to children’s children

Psalm 103:17

Today, most of our children head back to school and begin the daily struggle of waking up, throwing down breakfast, grabbing lunch money, and hopping in the car with barely one eye open. This is the day all parents have so eagerly sought with excitement and some trepidation. Parents are finally getting some downtime at home to simply breathe. But will they be able to breathe? Will parents be able to relax? Most will struggle to find comfort in the new daily routine of handing over their children to teachers they don’t know and throw them into the pool of students who can sometimes be hurtful. It’s that difficult part of growing up for our kids. So what do we do?

We pray.

Pray God will remind your children that He loves them

God’s love is steadfast and forever. That is a great promise for us. Life continues to move and throw discouragement our way in so many forms, and we feel the burden to help our children overcome these struggles. One way is to remind them that God’s love is stronger and more necessary than anything they will face today, tomorrow, or the future. God’s love is steadfast.

Pray God will remind your children that they should fear Him

In many homes around the country, children live in an unhealthy fear of their parents. Mental and physical abuse abound while self-centered parents live only for themselves with no care for their children. So when they try to teach their children to fear God, there is a great misunderstanding. The kind of fear the psalmist speaks of is a healthy respect for the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, not the mean and pathological disciplinarian of all humankind. 

Pray, pray, pray for your kids today. If you don’t have school-aged children in your home any longer, pray for someone else’s children. Bathe our students in prayer this year that they would fear God and that God would remind them of His love for them.