The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in Him.
Nahum 1:7
The city of Ninevah was soon to be taken captive by the Assyrian army. Their culture had diminished, and the destruction was quickly coming. That was Nahum’s cry to the people. But with that pronouncement, Nahum gave hope to a small remnant of people who had been faithful to God in a morally depraved society. Why? Because God is good.
Back in 2007, I had the chance to hear a song that reflects the nature of God’s goodness towards us, and I thought that there has probably not been a time in our history when we needed to hear that more than today. So much is going on in our society and world that we don’t understand. People are hurting and leaving a trail of unhealed anger, resentment, and confusion in their paths.
I remember a time in the early 1970s when my grandmother died. I didn’t get a chance to know her well, and I was around six years old. But I can remember as clear as anything. It was a Sunday morning, and we were supposed to go to church. But that day was different. I realized it was past time for us to go to church, so I went into my mom’s bedroom to find out what was wrong. My mom and her mom were in the bedroom, and both were crying. My dad wasn’t there, but I was clueless as to what was going on. So I asked my mom what happened and she told me that my grandmother died during the night.
I ran to my room, slammed the door, threw myself on the bed, and cried and cried. Why would God do that? Why would God take my grandmother away? I hardly got a chance to know her. After about an hour, I went outside and shot basketball all day. Literally all day. It began by me throwing the basketball as hard as I could against the backboard because I was so mad at God. Eventually, my best friend came up, and we shot around the basketball, sat around in the grass, and things seemed to get better.
Why did God choose to take my grandmother when He did? I don’t know. Did it hurt? Yes. Did it change God’s character? NOPE. God was and is still good.
God is Good
God is morally excellent and is the definition of good. He makes no wrong judgments or decisions. He is simply good toward us. But how can we say He is good when He is about to enslave His people? Because He still cares for His people when they go through very trying times. His goodness towards us does not mean that we will not experience sadness, difficulty, sickness, and death. But it does mean that He cares deeply for those who love Him.
I don’t know your difficulty today, but God loves you and cares for you in the middle of your pain. Your pain could never compromise God’s love. His love for those who love Him is total and complete.
God is our Stronghold
A stronghold is something people turn to for help or security. In this case, it is not something; it is God. When you experience hardships, the fact that God is good means that He wants to be a stronghold for you. He is where we should run for help and security. It doesn’t mean that we still won’t experience hardships, but it does mean that God protects in those hardships.
This day of trouble Nahum is talking about is a day of physical, mental, or economic adversity that would come at the severe hand of the Assyrians. Who are you trusting through your difficult times? Who are you leaning into during sickness and pain? Who is your stronghold?
God is our refuge
As believers, we should run and flee to God at all times, but especially times of trouble and difficulty. Why? Because he is a stronghold and refuge. I remember a movie where a tornado quickly races down the interstate and a truck parks under the overpass to escape the wildly destructive winds of the tornado. They took refuge. The fled to the safest place they could find. They took refuge in the stronghold of the overpass. Do you see how that works?
How are you doing today? Many of us would say, “Oh, I’m fine. No worries here.” But some of us would say, “Oh, you don’t have the time for me to tell you all my troubles.” Do you know who does have the time? God does. And He is loving and caring and good.
Take a listen at the song below. I hope it encourages you today.