But let all who take refuge in You rejoice; let them ever sing for joy…

There are generally two responses to the pandemic in the world today. People are either extremely zealous to wash their hands, wear a mask, quarantined in their homes and extremely careful about exposing themselves to any opportunity for the Coronavirus – 19 to take up residence in their bodies. The other response is to brush it off as something similar to the flu and still remain vigilant, but not in a hypersensitive kind of way. Either response you may have must take into account God’s work in your life during the healing process of our country and world.

So what is our response to the significant pandemic threat? At this point, over 2 million cases have been documented of people contracting this quickly spreading illness. How do you approach life with the “new normal” activities and anxiety?

God is our Refuge (11)

There is no doubt that God is our refuge. He was David’s refuge, and He is our refuge. God provided a safe location and shelter for David because David loved Him. And do you notice David’s attitude and response to God’s protection and shelter? That’s right. David rejoiced.

I know this sounds like a “churchy” word, but rejoiced is simply a word that means David was excited and expressed joy towards God because God provided for him.

Worship is our Response (11)

But notice what David says. He says, “Let ALL who take refuge in you rejoice.” This rejoicing was not just something that David experienced alone. David was speaking for all humanity when he said: “let all.” That means you should express joy because God provides a safe location and shelter for us.

Another interesting point about verse 11 is that David says we should “ever” sing for joy. “Ever” is the idea of singing for joy “forever.” This is not a one time simple thank you for helping during a tough time kind of singing. This was singing and worship that never ends.

Situations get tough, and things go wrong from time to time, but our circumstances never change God’s character and love towards us as he provides a place of refuge and shelter. Our response should be a forever worship. This might seem foreign to you because it isn’t a regular part of your daily activities.

I think it’s a way of looking at life. When we realize that God protects, blesses, and provides approval (favor) over those who are righteous, it also points back to us.

Righteousness is the Key (12)

God blesses the righteous. That is the key. People love to use the passage that it rains on the just and unjust (Matthew 5:45). While this is true, it is also true that God blesses the righteous with his protection and shelter. Our position should be righteousness.

Righteousness means to be and express good, upright, and devout allegiance to God’s words to us through Scripture.

So what does God do for the righteous? He provides him with a large shield that covers the whole person on each side. There is total protection given to those who love God’s name and live a righteous life.

Some questions…

  1. Do you sense anxiety and worry over the current state of things in the world? How can today’s passage encourage you?
  2. How can today’s Scripture change the way you respond to God’s promises to you?
  3. How might you look at God differently in the middle of our national health crisis?