Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He Himself tempts no one. 14But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.
James 1:13-14

I was thinking the other day about speed limit signs. I don’t know why, but they just came into my mind. We pass by them all the time and don’t even realize it. I’ve lived in the same neighborhood for 11 years and could not tell you where the speed limit signs are on the way to my job, the grocery store, or the bank. I can’t even tell you what the speed limit is in most of those places without seeing those signs. I’m starting to wonder if my mind is slipping some. But, I’ve wondered that for years.

Speed Limit Signs

You see, there are several kinds of people in the world. First, some pass those signs and see them as a speed “limit” sign. They see them as a limit as to how fast you should drive on that road for your safety and the safety of others. Now, I do believe that there is some 110-year-old man who only drives to church every week and determines those limits, but they are limits just the same. To be perfectly honest, a day doesn’t go by that I’m not driving behind that same man who determined the speed limit to be 10 miles per hour slower than needed for that specific road.

I think you know what I mean.

Then I thought to myself and said, “Self, this kind of behavior is exactly what we do with sin.” We see all the signs in the Bible and follow them as best we can. Those signs are reminders of the parameters God gives us in life to enjoy Him and His creation.

Speed Limit Suggestions

Second, some pass those signs and see them as a speed “suggestion” sign. I mean, I’ve been driving for 35 years. I have a specific set of skills that allow me to set my speed limit because I know better how to set those limits for myself. I’ve never hit a pedestrian or run over an animal. Okay, maybe one or two animals, but squirrels can never make up their minds on which way they want to go. It’s honestly their fault.

If you’re one of these people, you see the Bible as a suggestion. You’ve been around for so many years, and you know the “ropes.” You understand what’s best for you. You know how to navigate life and get away with things that you want to do regardless of the circumstances and outcomes. You’ve never hurt anyone before. You’ve never hurt yourself before. I mean, God would not put things in His word that would keep us from having fun and experiencing His best for us, would He?

Speed Limit Questions

Third, some drive four miles above the speed limit because they believe there is some arbitrary number they must reach before being stopped by a police officer. They consider four miles per hour to be that number. So, for example, if I’m driving on the interstate and the speed limit is 70, it is okay for me to drive 74 because it isn’t 75. That makes perfect sense to this driver. You know where the speed traps are anyway.

If you’re one of these people, you cross over the line of sin only a little. You know in your heart that your actions are a sin, but if you only sin a little, then it is okay. But it’s not okay, and a small sin is still a big deal to God. It is breaking His rules for your life. If you want to experience God’s best for your life, you have to make decisions based on His plan for your life as given to us in the Bible.

Speed Limit Pushers

Finally, some like to see how close they can get to the car in front of them to “push” them along. This person is almost like the first person but has more to do with the mental state of the driver in the second car. You know that person. You’ve probably either been in that car, or you have driven that car. A level of frustration builds, and you start talking to the car in front of you. You say things like, “Come on, man! We’re not in a funeral procession!” “Can you go any slower?” “Where did you learn to drive?” “What in the world!” You know that driver. That driver might be you.

These drivers are dangerous in many ways because they are pushing the slower and law-abiding citizens to speed up and break the law. If you’re one of these drivers, you could be the cause of someone else sinning in their lives. I’ve been on both sides of this fence. I’ve been in the pushing car and the car pushed by others.

In my own life, Others pushed me to do things I knew weren’t right and would cause God to grieve, and I’ve pushed others to do things we both knew were wrong.

Which driver are you?

I think it’s time to take responsibility for our choices in life. We can’t say that God is tempting us with those “sin limit” signs along the roads we travel each day. Temptation is genuine, and it is something that we all experience. The question this morning is, how will you handle the signs that come your way today?

There are two main ways. One is to persevere under those temptations you face, and the other is to run from those temptations you face. Fight or flee. I find the best way is to escape those temptations.

Your response to the signs will indicate your relationship with Jesus. It always does.