You Cannot Lead Others Until You First Learn To Submit
I’ll never forget the day I took the door off my daughter’s room. No, I didn’t knock it down! She was mad about something (I really don’t even remember what it was) and went upstairs to her room and [...]
Don’t Let “50 Shades” Redefine Intimacy
Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Rings, Super Heroes, and Science Fiction movies all take us into the land of fantasy and transform us into other worlds and story lines that cause us to cheer for the underdogs, believe [...]
Dump Day: Packaging Matters for the Christ-Follower
It happens every year sometime during the week after Christmas. People all over the world grab their trash bags full of torn paper and leftover food and throw it into the back of their trucks. They then sort through [...]
Housetops and Mountaintops: A Perspective on Christmas
As I sit here thinking about all the preparations made for one day each year, I’m overwhelmed at how we spend so much time coordinating with family members to meet for good times together and the annual gift exchange. [...]
6 Ways to Know if You Are Seeking God’s Heart
One who seeks God's heart seldom uses the word "I" in a conversation. It is way to easy to use the word “I” in a conversation. Think about how many times you use that word in conversations with others. [...]
5 Truths About Authentic Faith
It had been a very long day for Jesus, His disciples, and the many followers who traveled miles just to hear Jesus teach. Jesus just fed around 5000 people and his disciples were there to help distribute and do [...]
4 Reasons You Should Experience Joy
I don’t get it. Who is this Joy anyway? Some people live with Joy all their lives. Oh, wait. Those people are also married to someone named Joy….duh! The rest of us just work hard to find it. The [...]
It’s Time to Love the Unlovable!
Sweat is dripping off the end of my nose. My shirt is saturated and sticking to my body. Never used muscles ache from overuse. My back hurts from bending over and over. My eyes itch because of small yellow [...]
Insensitive or Encouraging?
I find it terribly interesting and worrisome that we now live in a society where every decision made and statement given is criticized and examined because of its potential intolerance. Regardless of pure motives, people are generally grouped into [...]