
Veterans Day is a Special Day – Thank You All!

Have you ever wondered why so many Veterans Day events happen at 11 am on November 11th? The meaning is quite significant. The allied nations and Germany participated in a temporary cessation of any fighting or aggression on November 11th at 11 am. As a result, World War I ended and was referred to [...]

By |2020-11-11T10:04:42-05:00November 11th, 2020|0 Comments

A Day To Remember

Memorial Day is a special day celebrated in the United States when we remember those who died that we might live freely. I had the privilege to speak with a gentleman years ago who drove one of the transportation boats from the ship to the shores of Normandy. He told me that it was [...]

By |2019-04-19T22:52:55-04:00May 25th, 2015|Comments Off on A Day To Remember

You Cannot Lead Others Until You First Learn to Sacrifice

Sacrifice is giving up your established and desired preference for God’s established preference. Leaders who possess this attribute generally understand the idea of being a slave to God. Romans 6:22 puts it this way: 22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get [...]

By |2019-04-19T23:14:18-04:00March 30th, 2015|Comments Off on You Cannot Lead Others Until You First Learn to Sacrifice
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