
Determined to Follow When it Seems Impossible

Daniel determined that he would not defile himself with the king's food or with the wine he drank. Daniel 1:8 Following the Lord is a decision of the heart, mind, and will. The Lord's presence is not something that should be taken lightly or for granted. But so often, we choose only to follow [...]

By |2020-10-14T09:36:00-04:00October 14th, 2020|0 Comments

Praise Through the Hourglass of Eternity

Praise the Lord, all nations! Glorify Him, all peoples! For His faithful love to us is great; the Lord's faithfulness endures forever. Hallelujah! Psalm 117   I think it's time for some good news; how about you? We are in a season of political division, cultural division, social division, and racial division. Many deep [...]

By |2020-10-13T08:14:24-04:00October 13th, 2020|0 Comments

What is my Purpose, and Why does it Matter?

Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are very great! You are clothed with splendor and majesty. Psalm 104:1 A person's purpose is the theme of billions of books. I've counseled hundreds of people concerning their purpose in life. Recently, I did an internet search to find how many books [...]

By |2020-06-18T11:08:38-04:00June 18th, 2020|0 Comments

Worship Doesn’t Mean Go to Church

Serve the Lord with Gladness! Come into His presence with singing Psalm 100:2 The old ball and chain. What do I have to do today? I remember as a child that each week my father asked me to cut the grass. Now, asking me to cut the grass was the same thing: "If you [...]

By |2020-06-17T10:34:34-04:00June 17th, 2020|3 Comments

Keys to Rejoicing in Difficult Times

But let all who take refuge in You rejoice; let them ever sing for joy... There are generally two responses to the pandemic in the world today. People are either extremely zealous to wash their hands, wear a mask, quarantined in their homes and extremely careful about exposing themselves to any opportunity for the [...]

By |2020-04-16T08:36:07-04:00April 16th, 2020|1 Comment

3 Important Characteristics of Your Passion

For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere... Psalm 84:10 How do you describe passion? People are passionate about hunting, fishing, football, and tailgating. People are passionate about their lawns, cars, free time, and hobbies. There was a time long ago when I was passionate about painting. It was a [...]

By |2020-04-15T07:24:53-04:00April 15th, 2020|0 Comments
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