Well…’s the day after Christmas! Gifts were unwrapped, smiles all around, fake reactions to unwanted conversations, kids opening 5,000 piece lego sets, rising blood pressure rears its head over running kids and gift wrapping paper being thrown in 352 directions. Twelve coversations going on at one time and none of them discernable. Now it’s the day after. And you sit there in your chair wondering how you got to this place? Sitting in the chair and wondering……..
Another Christmas in the books to check off on that new calendar you received and have no place to hang it. Do people still use those things? I think I remember seeing one on my refrigerator.
Is there more?
Is there more to Christmas than gifts and conversations? Is there more to Christmas than running and catching up with long lost family members the FBI couldn’t even locate during the year? Is there more to Christmas than opening regifted gifts that you’ll regift next year? Is there more to Christmas than long car rides and hugs from Aunt Bethany and Cousin Eddie? I believe there is. But to find it you need to look far past what man has made Christmas to be.
We don’t only live in a “ME” generation, we also live in a “ME” generation that has really become “post Christian.” It’s not about putting Christ back into Christmas; it’s about realizing Christ IS Christmas. We’ve replaced Christmas eve services with Christmas eve servings of ham, turkey, sweet potatoes, and gifts. Have we already crossed the line? Is there any hope of turning back? Can we step back over that crossed line and realize Christmas is about so much more?
There is so much more!
I’m remended of Luke 2:11: “Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” THAT’S IT! That’s Christmas. Forget everything else. Forget the ham and turkey. Forget the cakes and pie. Forget the wrapping paper and running kids. Forget the heated political conversations. The reality of Christmas is that Jesus is Savior and Lord. This reality is a game changer.
What did you do with the game-changing truth of Jesus being Savior and Lord this Christmas? Did you take some time to slow down and ponder this as Jesus’ mother did in Luke 2:19? Jesus being Savior and Lord is more than a theological certainty. It is a genuine life-transforming truth that should shape every day we live…..including Christmas.
Every day is Christmas eve for the believer. Every day is Christmas Day for the believer. [Tweet “Whether you say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays doesn’t matter in public if Jesus hasn’t made a life-transforming change in your life privately.”]And by the way, I have recently been amazed that people want to put “Christ” back in Christmas but minimize His influence as King in their own lives. It’s ironic isn’t it?
The solution
What’s the solution? How do we fix the broken mess we’ve made of that day? I believe it’s easier than we think. It’s not about putting Jesus into the schools. It’s not about putting Jesus into the government. Think about it. I’ve seen people fight so hard to put prayer in schools and prayer at council meetings, but at the same time neglect that prayer in their own homes. Seriously. I’m not kidding. Does it even make sense?
It’s about realizing that Jesus came to dramatically change us personally.
Remember what the angel told the shepherds? He said “Unto you is born this day.” They, like us, are the recipients of the greatest gift every given. The gift of eternal life and a helper in this life.
Jesus was sent to us personally so He could personally impact and transform our lives.
The fact that Jesus died on the cross for us and took on God’s wrath for our sin should humble us and really make us consider how we evaluate the way we spent Christmas this year.
Did we experience humility or just an hour of a Christmas eve service that emotionally moved us with great music, an inspiring message, a moving candlelighting at the end, and singing the traditional Silent Night?
I’m not hating on Christmas, but am thinking today about how we experienced God’s intention as we celebrated His Son’s birthday. Was Jesus honored? Remember, in that small manger Jesus was still Lord.
8 And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And an angel of the Lord xappeared to them, and ythe glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. 10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all zthe people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:8-11).
Merry Christmas!
For another perspective click the following link…
Dump Day for Christians!