She has done what she could

Mark 14:8

Sometimes the obvious is hidden in the familiar. I used to love trying to find hidden pictures on those pages for kids. I would spend hours trying to find the hidden frog, bird, snake, or lizard. I usually found it in the most obvious place after staring at it. Ever feel like that? It’s right in front of you, and you’ve been staring at it all the time. Let’s see what else should be evident to us.

Jesus was just a week away from being crucified and spent some time with friends in Bethany, which was nearly 2 miles from Jerusalem. Jesus just finished dinner and was reclining at the table at the home of Simon, the leper.

Suddenly, the obvious and unexpected happened in the room.

True Worship is Focused 

Mary had an alabaster vial of some very costly perfume of pure nard and broke open the flask and poured in on Jesus’ head. To the casual reader, this seems a bit strange, but it was true worship to Jesus. Women generally were not invited to these kinds of dinners, but Mary showed up and was focused on her Messiah. Nothing was getting in the way of her showing her love for and understanding of who Jesus is to her. 

There is no doubt that we are intended to understand that Jesus is the Messiah, and Mary was worshiping Him.

True Worship is for the Messiah

How could she not? Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6). This statement is something Mary understood as she stood over Jesus and anointed Him. 

When we realize the identity of Jesus, nothing should stop us from worshiping Him. No opinions or other distractors should cause us to stop worshiping. It is also essential to understand that she understood that Jesus wanted her best, not something left over at the end of a night. Jesus doesn’t want our leftovers. He wants what is most important to us. When we choose to forego the importance of Jesus, it is because Jesus isn’t important to us.


True Worship is a Priority

When something is a priority in our lives, nothing takes its place. In the case of Mary, she gave Jesus what she could (John 14:8). The disciples were indignant because the perfume could have been sold for much more and been given to the poor. However, Jesus understood that true worship happens when someone chooses to give what they have in the act of worship. Mary not only gave what she had, but it was also perhaps the most valuable thing she had.

How about you? If Jesus spoke about you today, would he say you’ve given what you had? Would He be pleased with your worship?