When tragedy invades your community remember to pray for those who hurt

Yesterday is now etched in history as a day unexpected and tragic for the residents of Florence, S.C. Seven police officers were shot, including one who died. Officer Terrence Carraway was killed in the line of duty and 5 other members of law enforcement were shot and injured. As many in Florence wake up this morning they do so with a new kind of hurt and shock. Smaller communities experience larger effects. People know people who know people. On some level, many in our community will experience some level of hurt and opportunity as a result of a community tragedy on October 3rd, 2018.

What can we do? Pray for those hurt by this tragedy. When we pray, we ask God, who cares deeply for everyone, for some kind of intervention, understanding, peace, and healing. The weeks and months ahead will be filled with so many difficulties and those who hurt will need an extra measure of God’s grace and care in their lives. “I don’t mean posting a simple “Our thoughts and prayers are with you” comment on social media. I mean actually spending time in prayer. If you say you’re praying….pray.”

I think Allen Heidler, Police Chief in Florence, S.C. said it best.

“I want to ask prayers of every human being who knows the Lord Jesus Christ to pray for these officers. They were responding to the scene of an incident where they knew their brothers and sisters from the sheriff’s department were in need…as we all do and they do for us.” – Allen Heidler

Chief Heidler got it right. He called on those who have a faithful relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ to pray. Why? Because Chief Heidler knows and understands that God hears His children when they pray. When tragedy invades your community remember to pray for those who hurt because people will always hurt and God is ultimately the one who heals those hurts.

When tragedy invades your community remember to provide help for those who hurt

When Jesus told His followers in Mark 12:31 to “love your neighbor as yourself” He was referring to helping people find hope. He was encouraging people to care for others as we care for ourselves. Tragedy reveals unique opportunities for Christ-followers to reach out in many ways to help those who hurt. While praying is one the most effective thing we can do, tangibly helping others is a basic privilege that Christ-followers must not miss.

Life is full of defining moments. This may be a defining moment for you. Will you help those who hurt? Will you allow others to help you if you are hurting?  

When tragedy invades your community remember to point those who hurt towards God

The best instruction for us in times like these is found in Mark 12:30-31. Christ-followers who love the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength understand interceding on behalf of others through prayer is vital. A Christ-followers remain connected to Christ (John 15:5). In this passage, Jesus tells us that we can do nothing apart from Him. If this is the case, why don’t we seek Him first in the confusion and hurt of tragedy? We should.

Not only should we seek Him first, but we should also point others to Him because without Him true healing can never happen. Pray for opportunities to help. Pray for opportunities to encourage. Pray for opportunities to point others to the true Healer of all hurt.

So what do we do? We pray. We provide. We point. It’s that simple. When tragedy invades your community with hurt will you influence your community with Christ’s attitude of compassion, love, and care?